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The memory of the date afterwards was bit of a blur but from what I could remember was having a good time at dinner with Jeremiah and having one drink but agreed to have more back at the house since he could not exactly drink since he was the D.D. But the memory of coming back to the house came in bits and I woke up here in Jeremiah's bed...

Except this time he is asleep right next to me with no shirt but shorts and I had my clothes on still, thankfully and hoped nothing too bad happened.

I carefully crawled out of the bed to avoid waking up Jeremiah, Kirk, and Codi but noticed Gus is missing out of his bed which means he woke up.

The migraine was light than usual and could easily be fixed with an aspirin and water for rest of the evening and add the Liquid IV packets for electrolytes. So I grabbed it out of my bag in the room and walked out quietly to avoid waking up everybody else.

Gus was in the kitchen, making his usual eggs with an insane amount of cheese and glances over when I walked into the kitchen as well to grab one of the water bottles and set it down on the counter. "Don't take offense to this, but you look like shit."

I shrugged and tear open the mini liquid iv packet with my teeth then poured it into my water bottle; the routine of closing it shut tightly and shaking it so the liquid iv powder can dissolve faster.

"I look exactly how I feel right now; like shit." I replied after shaking the water bottle enough and opened the cap to take a small sip at first to see if it was enough or if I need to shake it a little longer.

Gus plated his eggs, as a look of concern flashes in is eyes and remains silent. "Did you and Jeremiah hunch early on the first date or what?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the paper towel roll off the holder to smack Gus over the head with it. "We didn't hunch or anything. We barely kissed."

Gus pretends to wince in pain and grabbed the paper towel roll out of my hands to set it far away.

"You didn't kiss? I thought you would've after you crawled into his bed last night." Gus chuckles.

I sighed continuing to sip my water and walked over to lean against the counter to try to ease the hangover faster and feel better than what I look & feel like.

"So if you two didn't kiss, why'd you crawl into his bed again?" Gus continues to poke his nose into business to try to be nosy for more information about the date last night and how'd it actually went.

"I was a little drunk and thought his bed was comfy...plus he's kinda hot if I'm being honest." I shrugged setting down my water bottle and sighed.

Gus nods his head listening and grabbed the fork out of the drawers to walk around the counter to sit down and begin to chow down his food with the same habit that wouldn't be fixed; eating like a prisoner.

The day slowly begins, as everybody is coming out of their rooms and coming down stairs to make breakfast or any kind of food and then make plans for later tonight to check out more bars uptown.

Jeremiah and I acted normal around each other; nothing changed about our little bantering back and forth and the energy remained in tact. We did go outside together to recap last night and talk about the date to determine where things stand. I thought of him as a good guy and everything but way too fast to try to consider going further right away without giving it a chance to get to know him while actively trying to date him on the first chance; it'll only go one way and that's very messy for us and the others.

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