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Jake's POV.

"What?!" Sunghoon stands up in shock, "What do you mean by Heeseung hyung likes you?" Sunghoon looks at me in pure shock

Right after heeseung hyung left me, I was speechless, processing what he had said, he actually likes me?

I was too nervous to tell this to jay, I immediately thought of Sunghoon, maybe he might be easier to talk to


"Don't you think maybe he was joking?"

"No, I don't think so, he sounded pretty serious" I look down rethinking what heeseung said, maybe Sunghoon's right? what if heeseung hyung was joking around, gosh he definitely wasn't joking, he looked sad as well, was it because of me?

"Jake now I'm kind of confused" Sunghoon just walks around the living room of my dorm trying to think of something

I kind of wonder how Sunghoon can help, I mean he was the only one I can talk to, I mean yeah I do vent to Sunoo, Jay, Niki, gosh even Heeseung hyung?!

But I feel a bit more comfortable talking to Sunghoon, I feel like he gets me.


Sunghoon's POV

What the hell does Jake mean by, "Heeseung likes me" I had never thought of heeseung hyung liking Jake.

I can't believe this, I'm usually okay and good at listening to whatever the hell Jake tells me, but THIS, this is way to much for me to handle, gosh I like Jake as well?!

You know what, I'll just ignore this and act like I don't care, "Have you tried talking to him about it?" I ask looking down at him since I'm standing, "Well no?" Jake replies scratching his forehead with his index finger

"Why not, try atleast" I go and sit next to him on the couch, "I mean I try waving at him or try sending him a signal that I wanna talk, but all he does is look at me and look away, he's acting like I'm a stranger?!" Jake looks at me with tears in his eyes

"Why are you tearing up?" I look closer at his face as he immediately wipes his teary eyes with his sleeves, "Gosh, I've known him since highschool" Jake says

I had to do something but then I don't want heeseung to know that Jake spoke to me about this, I'll focus on helping Jake out more, I just hope he feels better soon.


I stay at Jake's dorm for a few hours, he's just laying on his bed, whilst I sit next to him on his bed. He was trying to sleep the pain away, but for some reason he couldn't, so that's why I'm next to him on his bed, while he is sleeping

I was looking at him, also sad, I didn't want to see Jakey like this, it hurts me as well, I got to busy in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Niki arrived back from practice

"Jake hyung! I got you some drinks and snacks, I don't know if you would like them but" Niki stopped speaking as soon as he saw me, "Sunghoon hyung? What're you doing here" Niki asks placing the bag full of treats on Jake's desk

"Well, Jake is going through something, I'm here to comfort him" I smile at Niki as he frowns when looking down at Jake sleeping

"I feel bad for Jake hyung, that may be the reason why he has been so weird lately" Niki explains to me on how Jake has been recently

As I was still talking to Niki, we noticed that Jake was waking up so we ended our conversation there

"Niki?" Jake yawns after he says Niki's name as soon as he could see more properly, "Yah, Jake hyung, I got you some of these snacks and drinks, I can tell you've been going through something recently" Niki looks at me right after saying that while I just nod in response

"Aw, thanks kid" Jake pats Niki's back, as Niki had to go out with Sunoo and Jungwon still, he heads out leaving me and Jake alone again in their dorm



Next Day

I decided to accompany Jake today, since he still was kind of lost for words

"Jake, you have to eat, Niki told me you didnt even eat breakfast" I say since Jake has been a bit pale, "I'm fine, I ate instant noodles today, it's good enough" Jake looks responds and sips on his bottle of water

"Gosh Jake, that's not good for you, eat something that's good for lunch" Jake surrenders and gets up to get food, while I just smile in successfully getting him to eat

Just a few minutes later, Jake finally finishes eating and we both decide to go walking outside the campus, since it's still break time

"You feeling better today?" I ask, "Yeah, better than yesterday" Jake smiles, "Sunghoonie, I can't help but thank you, for helping me out these few days" Jake grabs my palm and he intertwines our hands together, I could feel my face heating up a bit

"Hey, that's what best friends do" I wish we were more than friends.

"Hm, after today, let's go out and eat somewhere like a restaurant! Don't worry, it's all on me" Jake proudly says, "Yah, you don't need to" I could feel myself smiling, "yeah yeah whatever, let's goo!" Jake pulls on my hand and we both end up running off somewhere

I love him.



This photo inspired me to write this Jakehoon chapter

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This photo inspired me to write this Jakehoon chapter

And I wanna say that, Jayke will not end up being together, I mean like

Y'all can wait to see what happens, but yea, Jayke will not happen :>>


the one who never knew. (HEEJAKEHOON)Where stories live. Discover now