Caissa Redford

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Caissa Diligent Matilda Charming-Redford

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Caissa Diligent Matilda Charming-Redford

Note: Caissa is her real name and Diligent is her official Charming name

Parent(s): Darling Charming-Redford (mother), Chase Redford-Charming (father)

Story: Through the Looking Glass

Destined Role: Red Knight

Side: Rebel

Age: 17

Roommate: Amelia Huntsman

Gender: She/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Secret Heart's Desire: To become a famous chess player!

My 'Magic' Touch: I have got the eternal gift of heroism from my dad. I can also transform into any chess piece at my will!

Storybook Romance: Uh, no thank you.

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: I really hate it when people don't consider me as a vital character in my story. I LOVE my story, but I don't want to be on the bad side.

Powerful Qualities: Practical, Responsible, Heroic.

Most Favorite Subject: Heroics 101, of course! I love sparring with various people to improvise my strategies.

Least Favorite Subject: Riddlish. I already know fluent Riddlish plus I hate riddles, which are so nonsensical!

BFFAs: Astrid, Amelia and Scarlet are my ride-or-die folks.

Siblings: Astrid Charming (younger sister) and Chester Redford (younger brother)

Family (Others): Dashing Charming (maternal grandfather), Delightful Charming (maternal grandmother), Rubaline Redford (paternal grandmother), Flanagan Redford (paternal grandfather), Victoria Hearts (biological paternal grandmother), Edward Hearts (biological paternal grandfather) Daring Charming and Dexter Charming-Queen (maternal uncles), Rosabella Beauty Charming and Raven Queen Charming (maternal aunts), Dazzling, Regal and Radiant Beauty Charming (maternal cousins – Daring and Rosabella's children), Devious, Rebellious and Ebony Queen Charming (maternal cousins – Dexter and Raven's children) Elizabeth Hearts-Wondercharm (paternal aunt), Charles 'Charlie' Wondercharm (paternal uncle), Alexia Hearts-Wondercharm (paternal cousin), Vallery Jack-Whiteford (paternal aunt - Chase's unknown cousin) and Whyatt Whiteford (paternal uncle), Whitney Whiteford and Walter Whiteford (paternal cousins). Apple White Charming (distant maternal aunt - cousin once removed), Gallant Charming (distant maternal uncle - cousin once removed), David White Charming (maternal second cousin) Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Hearts-Wondercharm (godmother) and Charity Charming (godmother) (Charity is Darling's cousin)

Interests: Sports, Knighting, Martial Arts, Chess.

Birthday: January 15

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Food/Drink: A nice omelette. please!

Pet: Sir Heroic, a horse (Yeah, I copied Mom) 😉

Name Origin: The unusual first name Caissa, which is often mistaken as Cassia, is the name of the goddess of chess. The middle name Matilda means mighty in battle, which Caissa truly is.

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