First Response

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Submitter: Eztli__Void

Title: Too much life

Players: Grian, Martyn, Bdubs, Big B, Impulse, Scar, Tango, Etho, Ren, Scott, Skizz, Joel, Jimmy, Gem, Pearl, Cleo, Mumbo, Lizzie(ShadowLady)

Q: What specific reasons would they be in it?

A: I just like my silly block bois

Q: What would the life system be like compared to the previous seasons?

A: 3 lives to start out!

Q: What would the twist be?

A: Pvp kills have a 25% chance to add a life to the murderer

Q: Where would the season be different compared to the other seasons?

A: Un-red-ification without a guarantee could be fun

Q: Any other interesting features?

A: This is literally just my 1:41 am idea dont take it seriously

Methinks it was 1:41 am in their timezone when they were filling the form out.

These next questions are optional. Maybe more so than the previous ones.

Q: What would everyone be doing throughout the season?

A: Definitely at least one occurrence of "hey, our friend's red, lets let them kill us until theyre back to yellow!"

Q: Who would be the first yellow(s) and when in relations to the other questions?

A: Tim, Scar, Skizz, probably Lizzie

Q: Who would be the first red(s) and when in relations to the other questions?

A: Joel. Itd be on purpose.

Q: Who would be the final green(s) and when in relations to the other questions?

A: Somehow i still think joel would do a whole green->yellow->red->yellow->red->yellow->green thing

Q: Who would be the final yellow(s) and when in relations to the other questions?

A: Its up to RNG when its all reds, so not entirely skill!

Q: Who would be the winner?

A: Joel probably

This was before my addition of a question on who the first player to lose all their lives would be. If I did so before they filled it out... What are the odds they would've answered "Jimmy"? Also, the "too much" in the title would need to be replaced with a single word. Maybe "Excess Life"? And given the previous answers, is this series even practical? Or would the players be doing something different? Their interactions and ideas are less predictable than all else, maybe due to free will existing, which I'm for the preservation of, as long as anarchistic stunts aren't taken.

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