"If your mother doesn't, I'd quite happily kick your arse for her," Lexie cheekily added, winking at me as she took a small sip of her water.

"Do you practice Martial Arts too, Lexie?" my father enquired, the worry on his face outweighing the interest.

I chuckled as the corners of her mouth curled into a cheeky smile.

"Ari's been teaching me, actually. But kickboxing is more my passion. It's amazing cardio when you're after an intense workout."

I listened with avid interest as the easy discussion between Lexie and my father sustained, and later moved on to the law, an area that fascinated her, pleasing him greatly. Likewise, the conversation around the table was just as relaxed. Everyone seemed to be getting along famously, which was incredibly important to Lexie and me. More so due to my fears thanks to my parents' rocky relationship with Teddy's family.

We had discussed what the future possibly held for us, but due to my ever-present worries, I had openly expressed that we took things extremely slow. Lexie agreed wholeheartedly; building the foundations was just as important to her as they were to me. Along with honesty, communication was at the top of our list; sex was not. That stipulation was a no-brainer after Teddy. Look where that got us. After failing to lay down the basics for a good foundation, it subsequently weakened due to the constant underlying pressures, causing our relationship to fall around us like a poorly built house of cards as a consequence.

I felt Lexie's hand slide over my forearm.

"Hey, where'd you go?" she quietly asked, concern etching her beautiful face.

"Nowhere. I was just being a quiet observer, enjoying the pleasant chat around me, that's all," I assured her.

"Are you happy?"

Gazing at her, our faces barely millimetres apart, I reassured her, "Blissfully so." My fingertip trailed down one soft cheek as I brushed her lips with mine. "And it's all thanks to you."

The break was over all too quickly, but it was undoubtedly one of the best summers I'd ever experienced. I exalted that fact as I entered the building, smiling widely, greeting everyone with a cheery hello as I made my way towards the lifts. Having dropped me off at the front of the building, Logan had ensured I'd safely walked through the revolving doors before taking off from the kerb to park the car in the subterranean garage below. With his alert gaze darting around the foyer, Tyler strolled not too far behind me.

Whistling, I pressed the inset button and marched directly into an elevator car. My buoyant mood flowed as I stepped into the foyer on my floor. "Morning, Thomas!" As I skirted around his desk, grabbing my usual messages on the way past, he tentatively hailed me down.

"Sir, you have an unscheduled visitor...." His revelation stopped me and my whistling in my tracks, placing Tyler on high alert.

"Who?" he rapidly quizzed, rushing around me and bursting through the door. "Mr Jaeger, sir, your visitor appears non-threatening."

"Well, I should hope not," Therese greeted pleasantly for the first time - well, ever.

My spine stiffened and my smile swiftly faded. "Well, never mind then," I uttered, glowering darkly from the doorway before marching to my desk, throwing my briefcase down in anger. I nodded towards Tyler, who cautiously stood down, positioning himself outside my office after closing the door behind him. "Skip the pleasantries, Therese, and just answer me this; why are you here?"

Breathless, she hobbled towards me using a walking stick and stiffly lowered into one of the chairs adjacent to my desk. "I...I..." Her eyes darted, compelling me to frown at the rare sight of an ill-at-ease Therese. "I came to apologise."

Unmasked, The Masquerade Trilogy, Bk 3Where stories live. Discover now