3 || The first meet

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Finally, after 3 days of continuous work and stress, we are done with the presentation and design. Only data analysis is left which I need to supervise.
As I looked at my to-do list, I remembered that we had to go to Y company to gather the materials and also I had to discuss everything with the marketing team.
What a day! Let's leave quickly or I will totally procrastinate later. "Akul, do you remember about the visit to the company? It's today." I ask Akul. Well, he is the assistant director so I have to ask him and talk to him.
"Yeah! I did. Shall we go?" He asks.
"Sure. You go outside. I am coming in a minute." I respond as I get my bag and receive the upcoming call from Ami. Just as I had expected. As I reach the car, I listen to Ami blurt about all her day and the gossip that she collected. She was the person whom I could easily call my home and peace. She had always been the sunshine and I never minded leaving my comfort zone and talking as much as I could when I was with her.
I decline the call as I reach the office along with Akul. He had to listen to all our ranting as he was in the car. I won't even call him poor Akul at this point.
Just then my mind thinks about him. Zayaan, wasn't he in the marketing team? Wait! He is the Chief Marketing Officer. So, I will get to meet him.
We enter the office and reach the meeting room. I was sitting, trying to relax. I then saw him hearing the office with a girl and a boy. As far as I can remember she was Inaya and the boy was Razat.
Zayaan sat right in front of me and also waved at me which I reciprocated. I don't know why but he seemed less cheerful than he usually is. I guess it is the work pressure. The meeting started and ended well and only one task was left for the day. To get the data analysis and talk about it with the marketing team. Akul told me that we could do it on weekdays over a cup of coffee. The idea seemed okay but I abandoned it. I thought of asking about it with the three later on.
It was already 7:03 while working. I took a coffee break and went outside. The air was cold and breezy. One memory kept coming back to me which was due to obvious reasons.
It was my first day of 10th grade. I remember being about 16 at that point. I was out of town so I didn't attend the beginning of 10th. I had attended the classes from the 9th day as far as I remember.
I was frantically running trying to find my section as I was already late but as my luck would have it I tripped and fell, scattering all my things. At that time no one was there except for a boy. I had never seen him till now but from his outfit, it felt that he was from the same class as me. He helped me get up and also picked up my book. I didn't initiate any conversation nor did he. He helped me, gave me a kind and reassuring smile while I uttered thank you and he left his way.
When I saw his face, his eyes made me feel something that I hadn't felt in a long time. It was a strange feeling that I couldn't realize at that point. I chucked at these stupid feelings and hurried towards my class.
To my surprise, the same guy was in my class. He didn't seem to notice me at the beginning so I quietly went to my seat. He was in our class! What in the world? But I had never seen him. Is he a new student? Seems so! But I was intrigued and eager to learn more about this mysterious boy.
Flashback Ends
Turns out that the same mysterious boy who had helped me at the beginning of my 10th grade is working with me now in this collaboration. No matter how long it has been, his eyes still manage to draw me towards him, just like they did 10 years ago. His charm hasn't disappeared till now and I still find it hard to control my emotions around him. Like the grumpiest girl in the office is flustered in front of him without him even trying.Ugh- Can my heart stop beating so fast and my mind stop thinking about it?
Today, Samira and her colleague; Akul came to our office for the meeting. It was still so awkward between us. I waved at her and she waved back but we still- More like I couldn't initiate any conversation with her. Now that I think about it, we rarely talked in school. It was just a year that we spent our school lives together. Still, we couldn't get close. I feel she just overall avoids social interactions. Even during school life, she used to maintain her distance with everyone else and used to focus on herself. She had this charm which used to make her centre of attention in a good way obviously.
I reach my home, drink a glass of water in one go and just go and jump on my loving bed. It was a damn hectic day. Also, it has been 1 day since I talked to Kaira. Before, we used to talk for hours but now it has reduced to "hardly 5 minutes".
I then make my way to my comfort place; the small section of my apartment dedicated to music. I absolutely love singing and listening to music. I just picked up my guitar and started jamming. As you can guess I am a music enthusiast. Moreover, my playlist is full of Taylor Swift and other artists. and I love her music. This is my kind of therapy.

I know this was a boring chapter and all but I will try to make it a little more fast paced.
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