I Wish You Roses

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In the depths of my memories, you reside,
Not for love's sake, but for lessons implied.
A teacher, in disguise, you have been,
Revealing truths about myself and others within.

Like roses adorned with thorns so sharp,
You taught me that beauty comes with a mark.
May I send them to you, as an offering of grace?
For in your presence, I found solace and embrace.

I stumbled and fell, scraping my knees,
As I tumbled into the depths of your mysteries.
A lesson learned, a heart unfurled,
For love's journey can leave one bruised and twirled.

In fervent prayers, I wished you Hell's fire,
For your allure, like a flame, burned with desire.
Oh, how I hoped it hurt when you fell,
From the heavenly realms, where angels dwell.

And now, as I contemplate sending roses,
To adorn the farewell of life's closing poses,
I realize that even in death's embrace,
Your presence has taught me to cherish life's grace.

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