Chapter 2: Takeout

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Lilith no longer felt like cooking dinner.

The moment she stepped through the door, her shoes were off, she was on the ground, and her finger was clicking on a delivery app. She couldn't help it.

She wasn't sure what the siblings would like, she wasn't even sure what she'd like, so she ordered a bunch of Ramen and whatever Apollo usually got. She told him to pick it up on the way home, and that she'd update him on everything later.

As for now, she was rotting away on the floor of her apartment, rerunning her latest conversation in her mind over and over again. She didn't know why she kept reminding herself of it when all it did was put a grimace on her face.

She stared harshly at a single spot on the floor. It had a stain that she was supposed to cover up the day they moved in when she pointed it out to Apollo. She had no idea what it was from. It was a dark stain on the wooden floor. It didn't hold a color to it. It didn't even stand out that much. It was just an ugly spot that, once pointed out, she could not stop looking at.

Story of my life, she thought to herself, a small smile on her face.

Deciding she had rotted for long enough, the girl stood up and began poking through their tupperware. She had no intentions of showing them the food was not homemade, though she was sure they would be able to tell anyway, and she had recently bought some new containers with cute little designs etched onto them in thin pink lines. She was planning to use them when university started up, but the redhead had grown fond of the idea of giving one away to Food Boy. Especially since she had recently found out he was attending the same university as them, only a grade above her.

She pondered whether he was much older than her. He didn't look it. While she was only nineteen, her birthday was barely two weeks away and unless he had the world's most magical skincare routine, he couldn't be too far ahead of her.

She frowned as she took out one of the containers and put it on the counter, wondering why she was so interested in his life in the first place. While they had been over to one another's apartment a few times, there was always a reason for it and it wasn't exactly a hangout. Well, besides the game night Apollo set up solely so he could invite Pretty Boy over. A grin crept its way onto her face at the memory.

The two boys had been ogling each other all night, an innocent infatuation forming between them. It really was heartwarming to watch, but she had found herself beside her neighbor the whole time. They had traded comments at the expense of the affectionate friends across from them the entire time, and Lilith found that she could laugh easily with him. She also found out that she got really competitive when the person she was playing with was annoyingly nonchalant while also effortlessly destroying everyone in a game.

Perhaps she was just happy to have found someone she connected with in a country full of strangers.

Maybe Apollo and Lilith weren't doing so bad after all.

She jumped at the sound of the door opening, whipping around to see a certain red-haired boy stepping in.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey," he called out, shutting the door as he looked around the apartment for his roommate.

Lilith smiled as she approached him, grabbing the food out of his hands eagerly. "Hello," she said in an airy tone, speaking more at the food she now held than her friend.

"Why can't you be that excited to see me?" He mocked offense as he took it back from her.

"Because you sent me to a socially awkward boy's apartment who looked like he doesn't own deodorant."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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