Chapter 2

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If I didn't start this on Friday I don't think I'll be able to get this uploaded on time 😭 Im going to try though 💪😤

Edit: I'm so sorry for getting out two weeks late I keep forgetting and have a lot of homework and school work to do, along with friends wanting to play games with me so I'm just trying to sneak in some time for this story so again I deeply apologize for getting this out two weeks late 😞🫶🏼

Since I'm shorter than him I look like I'm an adopted child to him. He grabs my hand and moves swiftly through the crowd of people. What the fuck?? Okay this HAS to be a dream.. Right?

Miguel's pov:
It was around three to four hours before my parents got home and most of my family knows about Hiro now. "Where did he come from?" Abuela asked. "Abuela, don't worry about him, plus I couldn't get much out of him." I whispered, helping with dinner. "All I know is that he's half Japanese and half American." She hums. "Also, Socorro is with her friends outside." I managed to get out, hearing fainted laughter outside. "Miguel I can do the rest, go hang out." I look at her, seeing an accepting smile on her face. "Alright, let me know if you need help okay?" She nods and finishes the rest of dinner. I walk to my room and see Hiro looking around, holding my jacket. "Why do you have that?" He shoots his head up and throws it toward me. "I.. umm.. nothing don't worry about it."

Hiro's pov:
It's been silence ever since he caught me with his jacket. I walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I turn toward the sink and mirror and splash water on my face. I soon slide down the door hoping that Miguel doesn't need to use the restroom. Common Hiro! You've only known this guy for almost a day and already caught feelings.. Yes you're gay but you've never caught feelings THIS QUICK! I think to myself. I groan and soon hear a knock on the door. "Yo, you alright?" Shitshitshitshit fuck fuck. "Uhh.. yea I'm fine.. now that you're here..." I mumble. "What was that?" He unlocks the door and pushes it open. "Nothing.. just homesick." He looks at me confused and walks outside.

A little later I'm sitting on his bed and he asks "You know you can dip with the other Americans... right?" I shake my head in denial. "I live outside of America, I live in San Fransokyo." I peak at his eyes and see that they sparkle. "YOUR FROM SAN FRANSOKYO?!" Miguel yells. I rush and quickly cover his mouth. "Shhhhut the fuck up I don't want anyone to know! Plus how do you know San Fransokyo?" I whisper. "Dude, that's THE talk of the town! Everyone loves it there, except my family.. they've never really been there. It's my madres (mother/mom) dream to go there ever since she was a kid." I continue to look at his eyes and see that there is disappointment and sadness in them.. All of a sudden, it's now my goal to get you and your mom there. "We've tried everything to go there. From asking if anyone had dipped and had spare tickets to getting
275 pesos ($16.03 in us money) an hour but it was never enough. Eventually the airport stopped selling the tickets a couple years ago. It broke my mom's heart." He's... crying?.. I think as there is tears running down his face. "Anyways, I gotta go help my mom bring the food in from the field."

Miguel's pov:
God, I hate crying in front of people. I thought as I leave my room. "Mijo?.. ¿Qué pasó? (Son, what's wrong?) My momma asks. "Nada máma.(nothing mom)" I smile, she nods and walks away to the cart. You promised that you wouldn't show any signs of sadness you asshole. I thought, holding my hands on my eyes forcing myself to not cry. "Miguel, I'm sorry.." Hiro whispered, I can't tell if there's regret or he's faking it. I've been told "sorry" so many times that I can't tell if it's fake or not anymore. "Don't worry about it." I whispered, with a hint of annoyance in it. "Miguel-" "I said don't worry about it!" I yelled, turning around pushing him on my door. "Don't worry about it.." I whimpered, I push Hiro out of the way and grab my bag from this afternoon. "Miguel are you gunna go on a walk?" I nodded, "Just stressed again Mom." I whispered, heading out the door.

Lucias pov:
"Mi amor, he's going to be okay.." I hear Enrique whisper, softly kissing my cheek. "The last time he went on a walk he didn't come home until the next day.." I said in a soft and worried voice. "Mrs. Rivera?.. It was me who made him stressed.." A boy had softly whispered almost unable to hear. "And you are?" My husband said harshly. I smack him in the stomach and quickly turn to the boy. "Mijo, what do you mean?" He looked at me, close to crying. "¿Qué pasa niño? (What's wrong kiddo?)" I said in worry. I walk over to him and reach out for his wrist, when he hugged me tightly, almost like when we found Miguel. "Woah woah.. what's wrong? Is it Miguel?" He softly shakes his head.

Hiro's pov:
", he told me that you always wanted to go to San Fransokyo but you never got the chance to." Great lie Hiro she's definitely going to believe that.. She soon sucks in some air as I let go. "Él tiene antes había confiado en alguien tan rápido... (He has never trusted someone that quick before)" Mr. Rivera whispered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.. Would you like me to go find Miguel?.." I look up whispering. Mrs. Rivera nods in both understanding and answering my question. I start to leave the house when the husband stops me. "You should take some stuff with you in case you walk too far." This is definitely not their first rodeo.. I nod softly as Mr. Rivera runs to the cabinets. "I know it seems a little much but sometimes he manages to walk to Monterrey and farther so I just want to make sure you have supplies get to him and make sure he's not on an empty stomach." He explains. I nodded and soon leave the house.

Miguel's pov:
I soon arrive in Monterrey, wishing that I brought something to eat. You dumbass, stop forgetting so you don't have to keep paying to eat. I think "you know the food is free in this part of town right?" I hear a guy say. "What?" I look at the man. "You were thinking out loud, but yes the food is free in this part of town." He nods, giving me some gives me a bag of food. "Thank you, I know you just told me but just in case here's 85 pesos." He nods in understanding. I soon leave and continue to walk away. "Excuse me? Are you selling side bags today?" I ask as I was walking toward a lady who sells bags every-now-and-then "Yes I do, but I have this special one just for you" she explained, giving me a side-bag with a skeleton with Día de los Muertos colors and designs on it. She winked as she whispered "Just so you can carry everything in there." I smiled as I give her 51.18 pesos. I continued to walk to my spot, as I hear whispering and talking behind me. I turn and see Hiro on my horse.

I can't think of anything else but I'm gunna try and introduce new characters to the story but after two weeks and three days here's the second part 🫶🏼

Word count: 1327

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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