9: Wheels or Doors?

Start from the beginning

The irritation only grew as I recounted the events but Inaya just laughed. She wasn't a tour guide like me. She stayed behind the front desk and helped people get information or get in. When I first started working here, I envied the simplicity and normalcy of her job but then I'd watch her argue the same way as I did and realised that what she did wasn't so different to what I did. She just wasn't arguing about history but prices and timings. At least I was arguing about something I was passionate about.

"You need a break girl." She placed her cup down on the side and crossed her arms. "The cafe, Hunter and working here are all catching up to you. When was the last time you went out and had some fun? Relaxed and unwinded a little?"

Taking another sip, I tried to remember when the last time I actually did go out and have fun was ,let alone relaxed was, but it must have been ages ago. My life was just too busy for that now.

"I don't have the time for that Inaya."

She scoffed and turned her whole body to me. Her glass was on the side, the ice cubes basically nearly melted now. "You don't have time because you don't allow yourself time. I mean I'm sure it wouldn't kill Tyson to have someone cover you for a day so you can have a break or even go out for the night."

I shrugged and placed my glass down as well. Inaya looked at me waiting for an answer but I just shrugged again.

I knew if I asked for a day off Tyson would let me. For months, I worked my butt off and he wouldn't even question me if I asked. He'd probably encourage me to go out and have some fun. He had been doing so for a while now anyway so he'd celebrate it. But I just didn't know. I wanted, no I knew I needed a break. I was tired as fuck and a day in and then a night out did sound fun. I just wasn't sure. The concept seemed foreign to me because it'd been so long since I had. Did I even remember how to have fun like that anymore? As a 24 year old woman, that sounded pathetic as fuck.

"I can see you thinking Ellie." Inaya's face lit up then. "You know what. How about Sunday we go down to Buckaroo and I'll bring Matthew to drive us home so we can get wasted like old times? It'll be fun."

What she said did sound enticing. I loved Buckaroo and hadn't been for ages, especially not with Inaya. Our times there were definitely memorable. Well the ones I could remember were since we were usually drunk. But nonetheless, nights there were some of the best fun I'd ever had and I loved them.

It wasn't a club type of place. It was a southern-styled bar which had a mechanical bull and karaoke which I'd tried way too many times. Everything you'd expect to find in a bar like that in New York. The owner and usual customers were amazing as well. It was a very welcoming and enjoyable place.

But I wasn't sure. I wanted to but I just wasn't sure.

Inaya took my hand and also took me from my overthinking. When I looked up at her, I just knew no matter what I said she wouldn't listen unless it was a yes. There was no point in arguing when she had that look on her face. I'd tried before and failed every single time so I knew she'd fight me no matter how long it took. Therefore, I just sighed and smiled at her.

"Fine." Her face instantly brightened and she was practically buzzing with her excitement. If she was somewhere else, I was certain she'd be jumping up and down and screaming her head off.
"But not too many drinks okay."

"Yes yes that's fine Ellie. I'm just happy you'll come." Now she actually was jumping up and down with my hand clutched in both of hers. "This is gonna be so much fun. We've not been out in so long. I'm so excited. You don't even know how excited I am. And I get to plan an outfit. Oh my god what am I going to wear?"

As she went on about what she was planning to wear and how excited she was to get wasted, I realised that this was indeed going to be fun and despite my worry, I knew I'd still enjoy my time with her. Maybe this was what I needed. A night of fun with a friend and some alcohol. Perhaps more than some alcohol.

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