chapter 1: house guest

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Charles was in his room with a nurse named Irena. Twin sisters, Kimber and Starr, were in the living room playing with barbies. The two were only 2 years old. Charles is their adoptive grandfather, since his son, Will, decided to take in two orphans after their parents died, which was Will's best friends. Irena walks into the living room. The twins looks up at her.

Irena: (smiles; kneels down) "Hi girls, how are you doing? Need anything?"

Kimber & Starr (2 years old): (unison) "No."

Irena: "Okay. Just let me know if you girls need anything. Okay?"

Kimber & Starr (2 years old): (unison) "Okay."

Irena smiles and stands back up. She walks back into Charles' room.


An hour later

Will comes home with stuff in his hands. Irena hears the door and starts putting on her coat.

Irena: "Hello Will,"

Will: "Hey Irena, how's he doing? How's the twins?"

Irena: "The twins were wonderful! They fallen asleep on the couch. Your father...he has his good and bad days. Today...not so great."

A sound in the box gets her attention.

Irena: "Oh, you got a pet!"

Will: "Just a temporary house guest."

Irena: "It would be good for your father. See ya later!"

Will: "See ya."

Irena leaves.

Will goes to the living room first. He smiles at how peacefully the twins were sleeping. Just as he was about to walk to his father's bedroom but the floor creaks, which woke up the twins. They looked at him as they rubbed their eyes.

Kimber (2 years old): "Daddy?"

Will: (smiles) "Hi girls, I got a surprise. But I don't want you two getting attached to it okay?"

Kimber (2 years old): "Okay."

Will: "I'm gonna go get grandpa."

About three minutes later, Will and Charles are walking side by side. The twins follows them. Will stands where the box is sitting. He opens it. All four of them looks into the box to see a baby chimpanzee. They were all amazed of how adorable it was, except for Will. Charles runs his finger along, what seems to be a scar.

Charles: "What's this? Is he hurt?"

Will: (looks at the scar mark) "That's a birthmark."

Will walks away.

Charles lifts the baby chimpanzee up. The chip looks at one of the twins, Starr. How the chip was looking at was a look of admiration. Charles was going on with Shakespeare Julius Caesar.

Will: "Don't get too attached?"

Will hears chuckling, which he turns around. He sees that his father is already grown attached. He then notices that the chip trying to crawl to Starr.

When Starr was holding it, it seemed to be more calmer and closer to her. Will starts getting second thoughts.


Next day

Will was questioning whether or not to keep the chip. All four of them were in the kitchen. Starr was holding the chip.

Will: "How about you try to feed him, dad?"

Will takes the chip out of Starr's arms and sets it in a high chair. He gives his father the bottle of milk.

Everyone was shocked when the chip grabbed the bottle and started drinking while holding it on its own.

Will decided to keep and raise the chip. The male baby chimpanzee was named Caesar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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