T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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But Aiden Clark did nothing of the sort, he just held her tighter as though he was trying his hardest to piece those very pieces back together, pieces he hadn't even shattered. He didn't want to break her, Aiden would break himself before he ever thought of such a thing, no Aiden wanted nothing more than to put her back together, to hold her so close in his arms they merged into one.

It no longer mattered to Kaia where he came from or why he had entered her life so abruptly. All that really mattered to her in that moment was the way he made her feel. He made her feel safe, protected, as though nothing could touch her as he held her within his arms. He made her laugh more than she ever had in her life when she was around him. She began to notice the fact she smiled more often when he was around. She realized she was seeing herself in a different light, a changed light. She discovered things about herself that she previously hadn't even taken the time to know.

She liked Aiden and that was something she couldn't deny, nor would make any attempt to.

She held him tighter, her lips parting to say something but before she could, the doors of the waiting room slammed open and Kaia jumped further into Aiden's arms as the two stumbled to turn around, catching sight of Ashlyn and her father bursting through the doors.

"Emma, Ji-Soo," Mike called out the moment he entered, his eyes falling on the two woman that stared back at him in confusion.

"Guys," Ashlyn called out right after her dad, her eyes bouncing between the teens within the room as Kaia stared back at her wide eyed and slightly red faced as she realized that she and Aiden were quite literally just embracing in front of everyone as she stepped away, though stumbled as pain shot up her leg and Aiden quickly pulled her back into him. "We need to talk."

"Wait, wait, wait-" Logan mumbled out at the end of Mike's and Ashlyn's breakdown of what they had previously spoken about

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Wait, wait, wait-" Logan mumbled out at the end of Mike's and Ashlyn's breakdown of what they had previously spoken about. His mind was racing as his head was resting in his hands as he sat on the end chair. "Hold on... How are they seeing the phantoms when they didn't go to Savannah?"

Kaia wished she knew the answer to that as she pulled Taylor closer to her. The girl hadn't let her go since she got ahold of her when they made their way over to her as she muttered out constant apologizes to her that Kaia brushed off, just holding the girl in her arms. She hadn't spoken a word since they sat down, only curling further into Kaia's side as the girl had her arm wrapped around her shoulder, tracing circles on her shirt.

"We'll figure that our later..." Emma sighs out as her gaze flickers towards Kaia, confusion in her eyes. "Right now we need to focus on what to do about Tyler and why Kaia isn't as effected as him."

Kaia frowned as the attention flickered towards her and they were all once again hit with the realization that Tyler wasn't the only one that had died that night. Kaia had too. Taylor's grip on her tightened, turning to bury her head in her shoulder, she was happy Kaia was okay, but that didn't erase the pain that she felt knowing her brother might not recover the same way Kaia was.

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