Chapter 2:The concert

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Omg today is the day i finally get to go to a concert and meet BVB! I'm so excited and i will be with Riot which makes me twice as excited.I still don't know what to wear where my tickets are...OH GOD THE TICKETS. No no no ... were did i put them! I looked high and low but still couldn't find them so i rang Riot
R-hey Tamz what's u-
T-oh Riot i am so sorry but i cannot find the tickets anywe-
R-Tamz you gave them to me!
T-OMG now i remember Jesus I almost had a heart attack !
R-Omfg Tamz see you late for the the show.
I couldn't believe I have the tickets to Riot and I forgot and almost died inside!Oh well we have the tickets and in 1 hour we will leave to go to L.A. for the concert...I'm still nervous and every bad thing that could happen is wiring round in my mind, oh I hope nothing bad happens!

"RIOT!" I screamed and i'm pretty sure i disturbed the whole neighbour hood but oh well I was damn right excited and Riot could tell
"TAMZIN!"she screamed with a little giggle at the end as we had a hug.
"Come on Tamz we are always late for everything because you realise at the last minute you are forgetting so something" she said dragging me out of my apartment complex

We are finally at the venue and wow did it take a lot of shouting wrong turning and made us hot and bothered and we were so happy to get out the car and have a 5 minute break from each other!After about 3 minutes i was getting pretty thirsty so decided to ring afoot and tell her i was going to the Starbucks which was just down the street and she asked me to get her a smoothie the same one as me so i went down and waited in the que.
Now I had the smoothies i decided I would return to Riot and we would stand in the que to get into the venue which by now was so much longer than when we first got here!This was going to be a long wait for us and everyone behind us.
YES we have started moving and after about 1 more hour we were finally in the venue! Once the show had started me and Riot were lucky enough to get to the front barrier where we were getting so squished and our hair was pulled a few times but it was the best experience of my life!And luckily we didn't get kidnapped or anything.
After the show was over me and Riot went back stage to see the band,I was so nervous but Riot just couldn't wait.Then there they were stood with there back to us taking off there war paint then at that moment Andy turntable around with a big smile on his face ...
Sorry it was up a bit late and also it is kinda short it is 12:00am and I am soo tired but i remembered that i needed to updat so here it is :D

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