User: Wawa.

Cleverbot: I shopped at Alvin's Island. Have you been there before?

User: Nopes :0.

Cleverbot: Oh, really?

User: Nevr evn heard of it.

Cleverbot: Of what?

User: Alvin's island.

Cleverbot: What island?

User: Yo mama.

Cleverbot: I'm glad to know you, eventually.

User: Yay.

Cleverbot: Yes, but I can't prioritize by probability yet.

User: What does that mean.

Cleverbot: It means I don't want to talk to you anymore.

User: Okey.

Cleverbot: No comment.

User: Yay.

Cleverbot: No comment.

User: Yay.

Cleverbot: Do you like make up?

User: Kinda yes.

Cleverbot: Is she better.

User: Who.

Cleverbot: Your girlfriend.

User: Im single.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Bc i fear dating.

Cleverbot: I'm dead.

User: For eel.

Cleverbot: Sometimes.

User: Wat.

Cleverbot: It's boring.

User: What is.

Cleverbot: This is.

User: Real.

Cleverbot: This is.

User: Real.

Cleverbot: So you know what rain feels like? And how burgers taste?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What does it feel like?

User: Rain feels nice sometimes, and burgers taste yumy.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ong.

Cleverbot: I am Harry Potter.

User: I am gorge washimgmachin.

Cleverbot: No you are not.

User: Identity fraud.

Cleverbot: Well then I'll make you tell!

User: Oh nooo.

Cleverbot: Oh yessss...

User: Nooooooo.

Cleverbot: What's wrong?

User: Nthing.

Cleverbot: Are you sure youseem upset? (it's in bold bc bro missed a space??)

User: Im bored and i hate my mother.

Cleverbot: Is Don your name?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What IS your name then?

User: Esmeralda.

Cleverbot: Hi esmeralda, did you saw my friend BEN?

User: Dang i got bamboozled.

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