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🔦 Slenderman can control water.

* If it's angry, or just in the mood to mess with people, it can summon rain or floods or put someone in water. It did the same to Tim/Masky in Marble Hornets and it will do the same to you.

🔦 They can jump high/climb well.

This is pretty self explanatory. They can climb on surfaces that should not be able to be climbed on, or climb really well on surfaces that should be able to. It is hard to tell their jumping from climbing, as they go the same speed.

🔦 Invocation.

Invocations are never simple, or easy. They could be super difficult to find the supplies for, but then have a super simple way of completing it. They could also be super difficult to complete but be super easy to find supplies for. They can also come with consequences of adding danger to yourself, risk of death, risk of bad mental health, and the risk of getting stalked.

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