The bodyguard sighs, a hint of annoyance creeping through as he glances at his watch, then around, and at Sang Du's table, of course. "No need for that, I'm fine," he mutters, but the order is already placed. Jungkook notes the different accent in his Korean pronounciation.

"So where are you from in Korea? I'm a Busan boy myself—ever been there?" Jungkook asks, attempting to draw out more than just grunts from his company. Hometown gist always works. You've got to talk to me.

And the man, finally addressing him, says, "Not close to there." Seeing that Jungkook's expectant eyes are not leaving him, he lets out a sigh and gives a hint. "The north."

Jungkook perks up, excited to gain some ground. "Ah! Gangwon, perhaps? Gyeonggi?" he lists some provinces on the northern ends of South Korea. What he does not expect the man to do is to sport a condescending smirk, lean an arm on the table, and say...

"North Korea, kid."

The outline of a concealed weapon momentarily shows under his jacket. Jungkook's heart skips a beat at the sight, his fear silencing him.

It takes a considerable amount of effort for him not to pack his shit and dissolve into fine dust. He malfunctions for some good seconds, blinking, unblinking, mouth opening, closing, and finally when the man leans back into his chair with a dominance-inserting sniff, Jungkook takes a silent, small but resourceful breath. Shiiiiiet.

Who the heck are these guys! North-fucking-Korea?

Maybe they should back out. Maybe this should be the it-signal for them to pack this shitshow and head back home, go under the blankets and forget this ever happened. Hoseok be damned. Yoongi's plan be damned. Revenge? What is revenge? Revenge sounds like the color of cherry-flavored ice-cream. They can have as much revenge as they want in a random gelato shop in their very safe little haven that is Seoul.

But fate has different plans for them. The waitress is now placing their coffees on the table. Jungkook takes advantage of her movement to check on Jimin, stalling the butler under the shade of the umbrella closer to Sang Du and Hoseok's sitting spot. He seems to be having a markedly different interaction with the butler. They're laughing, with Jimin animatedly gesturing towards a street performer nearby, the butler seemingly captivated by the lightness of the conversation. How does he do that? How does he effortlessly connect with people!

Just then, Jungkook spots Yoongi, finally emerging from a street which Jimin and the butler have their backs to, carefully heading to the direction of Sang Du and Hoseok's table. Jungkook feels like he is going to die, as though scalding water is being poured over his head, threatening to drown him. He panics, and hopefully not visibly, though his hands shake a bit as he grabs his cup of coffee, meeting eyes with the bodyguard as he takes a sip.

He has to say something now. He cannot slip up.

"I didn't catch your name, by the way, hyungnim," he says politely, respectfully, putting down his cup with robotic precision.

The bodyguard's frown deepens, clearly not amused by Jungkook's persistence. "Look, I'm not here to make friends," he finally snaps. The situation is just not helping.

Just then, Yoongi flashes him and Jimin a look, and puts himself in Hoseok's direct line of sight, slowly approaching the pair behind Sang Du's back. Jungkook almost lets out a whimper, shifting in his seat as he catches Hoseok spot Yoongi, his wildridden eyes, the way he grabs the armrests of his chair.

"You know, it's rare to meet someone from North Korea. That's pretty cool," Jungkook swallows behind a nervous smile, and grabs his coffee cup again. His words seem to have impressed the bodyguard, as the man relaxes a bit into his posture, but before he can truly settle into it — Hoseok stands abruptly in the background, chair scraping loudly against the cobblestones, the noise startling the bodyguard at which time Jungkook, first prays, and then—spills his coffee on the man's pants at the same time Hoseok starts backing up, with Yoongi now in full sprint, closing the distance between him and Hoseok. Hoseok is quick on his feet, dashes, Yoongi hot on his heels.

Love Story Short | Jikook/KookminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora