The Chaser

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The whole car ride was of me making diffrent senerios of what would have happened. My Aston martin is flying right now. Finally after 25 minutes of drive I've reached to the hospital.
When I enter the lobby where Viv is. Adrian comes and drive a fist on my face. I dersve this so I didn't fought back.
"Asshole got the time." He is damn angry. He and whole Everhart family have ties to Mafias. I will not be shocked if he joined some mafia club.
"Where is Viv? What happened? Please Adrian she is my wife ,in there." Pain is in my voice.
"You should be the one telling me what happened in between you and her Because when she left your building she was crying. She panicked and fall on the staircase." He is still rude.
Then a nurse came out off Viv's room. "Are you her partner?" She approaches me."I'm her husband."
"Sir do you have her pregnancy check up reports."
She is pregnent. I'm going to be a father. Before my happiness reached on heart nurse starts continuing "Sir we can't save the child and have to immediatly take her to the surgery. She had a major misgarage."
Another heartbreak of this day.
"We didn't know that she was pregnent. If you guys have to operate her immediatly just do . I want my wife to be out of danger." Nurse nods me and and get back to the ward.
"She was pregnent. You didn't even know that ." Adrian is much more calm now.
"I'm sorry for her. We just lost our kid Adrian." I'm freaking broken now. I'm ashamed of myself.
"You should've treated my sister much better" he takes a pause .
"You just got too much tangled up in other things that you didn't even given Viv your attention. We didn't saw her losing her light." The hurting thing is this all is true.
"Adrian I don't know how to fix this all . I might be a billioner with the best groups of companies but inside . I'm just losing everything."
I know Adrian and I do have the same personality. The diffrence is I got his sister but he is alone.
"Do you know Zach we were rivals in uni but we had a lot in comman. When your dad passed away i felt it. And today I'm feeling bad for you. But when I think about Viv how you treated her, just boils my blood." The most important thing is this all is true.
"I'm sorry Adrian. I didn't realized when everything just started falling apart. I love her . I can't live without her. And today she can ever not forgive me . We lost our kid. I wasn't there for her. I didn't even noticed any change in her, I didn't know she was pregnent." Pain is all over me with addition to guilt.
"You should be sorry to her not me. Zach we gave her to you because somewhere we know you can keep her safe. But now you are becoming dangerous for her...." nurse came again out of the ward.
"The patient is concious now. You can met her."
I and Adrian gets our ways into hospital room. I stand next her bed and kiss her but she didn't kiss me back.
"Adrian will you please leave. We have to share some words." What is it now. It concerns me. Once Adrian leaves Viv looks into my direction.
"I'm sorry Mi amore. I know I fucked this all."
"Please don't say anything and listen just listen." With everyword her tears runs down her eyes.
"Zach, have you ever realized that you lost me long before. Have you noticed how broken I am. Have you everyday i woke up first thing I see is this empty side of bed. You leave too early you come too late. I lost my husband to his work. Everyday I think you'll realise it . But you don't . And today when I was waiting for you. My whole day I was just searching you. And when I saw you with god knows who. She was whole naked. At that moment everything which you ever did to me. How much you drained me is in front of my eyes. I know you will never cheat on me. I trust you even if what I saw I trust you. I Love you and thats the problem . I can't stop loving you. But now I know if I continue this I will lost me. I've already lost my kid. I can't afford to lose me."she takes a long pause I wrap my arms around her. "I'm fucking sorry. I promise I will change everything. Mi amore please. I can't see you like this. "
"Will you please stop acting like my husband. Can I get my best friend please. If you think you are losing me now. You should better know I shattred piece by piece everyday. You can't fix me now."
"Mi amore, I am always there for you, punish me but please don't say such a word again." First time in ages I felt moisture in my eyes.
"Can you call Adrian please." I do it. But I don't want her out of my arms.
Adrian enters.
"Ad would you do me a favor. Please" tears are still on her face.
"What do you want little queen." What does she want which I can't get her.
"Please make my divorce contract." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
This is I am now blank.

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