Chapter 2: The Honored one

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A pungent smell of gunpowder floods the air, along with the ear-piercing sound of a fired shot.

Did Satoru lose?..

"Dammit, I thought that plan was pretty smooth..."

White, baggy pants, and a black skin tight shirt, this is definitely the man Satoru was fighting, but... did he really win?

Many thoughts ran through my mind, as a lay on the floor Infront of Riko. The shot barely missed her. 

If I hadn't seen the gun then... nevermind... I have tom find a way to get Riko out of her, without her being caught by that "assassin".

"You see, I've got this cursed spirit that can carry objects, I use it to carry my cursed tools. Now I know what you're thinking, "The cursed energy from the spirit should make him visible..."

He spits out a small deformed curse with a full mouth, before it contorts and grows into its complete form. He continues...

"...The spirit shrinks by storing itself in its own body, neat right?, then I ingest it, and keep it in my stomach, an invisible man should have invisible guts right? That's how I can move through barriers while carrying cursed tools, and its also why I had to use this primitive stuff to get the jump on the star plasma vessel..."

He says, flailing around his gun

My mind was racing a mile a minute, how do I save Riko? Did Satoru lose? Why is he telling me this? Who is he?

"...I could've started with he star plasma vessel, but its too risky revealing myself to the six eyes-"

There is however, one question I could answer...

"Its heavenly restriction, right?"

My mind was somewhat calm, at least I knew the source of his might...

"Bingo, sharp mind, kid..."

But how was he able to find the entrance to the tombs, we didnt leave any cursed energy behind...

"Your strategy was good, but my question is, how did you know where the entrance to the Tomb was?"

Might as well ask...

"You did well to hide your cursed energy residuals, however in exchange for all of my cursed energy, heavenly restriction leaves me with five very sharp senses, ever since I dealt with "Shades" up top, I've been able to hear you... smell you... "feel" you."

A devious smile creeps across the mans sinister face. The once-vertical scar crossing his lips curves like the letter "C", as it twists, and morphs around the diabolical mans grin.

"And what about the other girl, the maid?"

"Her? Not sure, I don't really care whether or not she lives or dies, she could've got out if she was lucky I guess."

Riko's pained whimper snaps me back to reality. My purpose here is to fight for Riko's dreams, and more importantly, to stop this monster...

 "Rainbow Dragon!"

 "Rainbow Dragon!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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