The White Queen

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As we were flying, you could see all of Wonderland, the trees, mushrooms, flowers, they all looked insane from up here! Then I saw the Mad Hatter's house! And the tea table, looked like he was having a very nice time down there. Then, after a short while, we saw the White Queen's castle, what a beautiful site! it was tall and magnificent. Then we landed on a balcony where we saw the White Queen waiting. "Hello dear one. I heard of your arrival, please come."

"I'm very honored to meet you my Queen." I said as I jumped off the butterfly, and bowed to the Queen, out of respect.

"I, too am very honored to meet our new coming warrior."-White Queen. She said as she took a step closer to me..

"My Queen, we must get going, we are late on time." -White Rabbit.

"Oh, of course. Come along..."-White Queen.


"Ah, yes! Seven, uh come along."-White Queen. So I followed the White Queen in to her palace.

They took me to a large room, one filled with different swords, pads for protection, and a large stage in the middle. "This is where you will be the majority of the these 2 months without Alice. We haven't much time so please work fast. Your trainer will be our most skilled guard. She is trained to kill, so please just beware. Now follow me to your quarters which you will be staying at for the time being, until we find of course a more permeant living spaces. If of course, you choose to stay here in Wonderland after the war." -White Queen. "Now follow me."-White Queen. I followed the White Queen down a long white hallway. Then she stopped at door 7, and unlocked it with a key shaped as a heart. Then she stepped in. "So this is where you will be staying, you have a connecting bathroom to the left, a small closet to the right. Please, walk around. But please remember you will be expected in the training center for most of the day. Do you have any questions Seven?"-White Queen.

"Um, actually, yes. When can I meet the Mad Hatter? And the Cheshire Cat?"-Me.

"Well you can't meet the Mad Hatter until Alice meets him again and as for the cat..."-White Queen.

"You can meet me now."- Cheshire Cat.

"Oh my! Um, hello, I'm Seven."-Me.

"Hello, and I already know who you are, I watched you as soon as you stepped into Wonderland."-Cheshire Cat.

"Oh. Um, ok."-Me

"Anyway, Seven, your training starts tomorrow."-White Queen.

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