Former Soviet Countries!

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•In the event after the Soviet Union were declared as no more

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•In the event after the Soviet Union were declared as no more. All of the Former Soviet Countries are shown here.

Today's was a good day, perhaps. Everyone did their normal thing and their parent was in the kitchen cooking their favourite meals.

"Lunch is rea-" USSR got cut off with the sudden cracking of their skin, the plates on his hands dropped and clashed onto the floor.

The countries came to the noise of glass shattering worriedly. They all watched in horror as they see Soviet Union clutching their stomach in pain.

"What's happening to pops?!" Estonia muttered, not wanting to touch their parent in fear that it'll hurt them.

"USSR is declared not existing by the governments..." Kazakhstan said shakily, running their fingers through their feathers. "Pops is disappearing..."

"What?! Pops can't die! His strong!!" Moldova sniffed, disbelief at the fact that countries indeed can die. Tajikistan hugged them tightly, rubbing their back.

"Father..can..we hug you for the last time..?" Turkmenistan asked shyly, playing with their fingers.

Soviet Union gave the countries a painful smile, nodding.

One by one, the countries joined the hug. Cries could be heard from some of them as USSR's whole body kept on splitting at a rapid pace.

"Glad to have taken care..such wonderful children." He gave one last smile to them before shattering into pieces.

"Papa...can't we start a whole army and overthrow the humans for this..?" Lithuania cried as they clutched the remains of their father.

"Overthrow? The humans could possibly have a weapon to put us down despite our unique abilities." Latvia sighed, looking down at their feet were the some of the remains would be.

"Wah?" A sound of a baby toddler called out. Ukraine picked up the toddler carefully, observing 'it'.

"Is that..Russia?" Kazakhstan tooked the young Russia from Ukraine's hands. Russia smiled happily, nibbling on Kazakhstan's feathers. "WAH?! Stop it!!" They tried to pull the toddler but this one has a strong mouth grip.

"Kazakhstan! That's no way to treat a baby!" Belarus smacked their hand. "Come here baby~!" They sang with a smile, which Russia happily did.

The atmosphere lightened up from sad and miserable to curious and in awe.

"Awwh! They're soo cute!" Armenia cooed, stepping closer to Russia. The toddler giggled, grabbing Armenia's fingers.

The large family immediately got over the lost of their father but it's not for long that they'll sulk about it again.

Russia glanced around them with curiosity, though unable to understand the words said by their siblings, they could tell that the atmosphere was gloomy now.

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