★new friend★

145 6 22

{dogday pov}

Beep beep beep beep

I groan as my hear my alarm going off. I roll over onto my back as I reach my hand over turning off my alarm. I lay their for a moment before sitting up yawning, I look at the time as it was 4:25am. I get up out of my bed as I walk over to my bathroom. I brush my fur before brushing my teeth and putting on cologne. I took a shower yesterday so I don't have to take one today. I walk over to my dresser and I put on a white shit with light brown shorts that went to my news top with a orange jacket over my shirt. I look at myself in the mirror.
I smile before walking downstairs. I walk into the kitchen

"Hey mom-... Mom?"

I look around as I didn't see my mom in the kitchen like usual? Maybe she's out? Weird... I walk over to the fridge as I grab the milk

(careful don't use all of it or your dad will have to go buy more. Oh wait! He already did!)

I make me some cereal as I sit at the table eating. After a while I finish eating as I put the empty bowl in the sink. I walk over to the front door as I put on my shoes. I walk outside heading to school since my mom isn't here to drive me like usual. I get to school as it seems like a good day!

???: hey dogday!

I look over seeing a family red bear

"Bobby! Hey! How have you been? Haven't seen you for a week?"

Bobby: oh I been good. What about you dd?

"I'm great! I think today will be a amazing day! It's all sunny and calm!"

Bobby: oh I wouldn't say that...? It's supposed to rain later today.

"Rain? Well that's just a little rain? Ain't noth-"

I get cut off my Bobby as she says "no it's gonna be heavy rain. I think a thunderstorm."

"Oh... Well when will it start?"

Bobby: around history or math I believe.

"Oh...? For how long?"

Bobby: the whole day! It's not gonna stop raining until 12am at night

"Really? That sucks! I was hoping to spend time with you and the others today!"

Bobby: yeah! Wait what about a sleepover?

"That sounds great!"

???: what are you guys doing??? Your gonna be late for class!

Me and Bobby look over seeing hoppy

Me&Bobby: oh hey hoppy!

Hoppy: come on! You don't wanna get locked out of school! Hurry!

"Oh right sorry!"
(Still dogday's pov)

I was sitting in class listening to the teacher miss Delight talk about boring stuff. This was all boring stuff! I hate classes tbh! It's boring. I look around trying to find someone interesting but nope. Nothing. The rest of the group are in different classes... Ugh...

[Maybe I can skip class? But how...?]

I think for a while before getting a idea. I raise my hand up hair

MD(miss Delight): yes dogday?

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

MD: yes but be quick

"Yess miss"

I get out of my seat before heading out of class. Well that was easy...

[What now? I guess I can find a spot to chill at till class ends]

★you're always sleeping★ (catnap x dogday)Where stories live. Discover now