"The spell!" Cami gasped, stepping out of the door.

"Hey, did you get laid?" Xavier cried, still drunk, on the ground.

Nagisa looked down at him and grinned. He didn't have to say anything more. Xavier held up a loose fist. Nagisa bumped his against it.

"My man, my bro!" Xavier cried.

"Oh!" Cami covered her mouth, taking in Nagisa's naked legs.

The jacket Ryu gave him covered his entire body. The dragon was still far larger than the teen.

"Ha! He got fucked before Carter!" Xavier screamed.

"Dude, bro is still a virgin!" Xavier was laughing at this.

"I would have to say otherwise." Race was pulling on a sweater as he joined the group.

Carter was walking out behind him.

"Who bottomed?" Xavier's perviness was coming out too strongly.

"I mean I can guess that baby brother took it, Collin definitely is the bottom..." He went on while no one else listened to him.

"Wait, you guys? Did Ryu's sex hormones infect everyone?" Nagisa asked.

"No, we just, uh well when you planned to head out with Ryu, we just decided..." Coldar fiddled with his zipper on his jacket.

"So, you topped?" Nagisa chuckled elbowing the werewolf. Coldar's face flamed, but he nodded.

"Can we talk about something else now!" Carter snarled.

"Hahahaha." Ryu burst out laughing.

It was so bad, Collin tugged Nagisa a bit away. The dragon fell to his knees, he was laughing so hard. Carter's face went redder.

"I'm going to kick you if you don't shut up!" He snarled at the dragon.

Ryu looked up at him, still laughing. He swiped at his eyes. Carter swung his foot to kick the large dragon. The next thing anyone knew was, the blond half vampire was on his back, on the ground. The dragon hunched a little over him, holding his foot.

"Your brother is taller than you now." Ryu smirked down at him.

"Wait? That's what you were laughing about? Not that I bottomed?" Carter demanded.

Ryu snickered as he stood up. He held his hand out. Carter eyeballed it, but refused to take it. He was still a Romanari. He kicked his feet up, pushing his hands over his head, to flip himslef to his feet. Carter looked the large dragon in the eye.

"I don't care if all you Romanari's are bottoms. I care about him. He has grown what, like eight inches in one night. That can't be good." Ryu glared down at Carter.

"Yeah, we should get him to mom, just to be sure." Cami agreed.

"So, then, Cams is the only virgin we have." Xavier pretended to swipe away a tear.

"Uh, no sweetie. That's been up for a few months." Leon said.

Suddenly the elf was pinned to a tree behind him. He didn't even get the chance to touch his girlfriend. Both her brothers were at his throat.

"You what?" Carter spat in his face.

"You better have been a gentleman about it! Did you ask her? Every step?" Nagisa yelled.

"Did Ryu ask you every step! Nagisa! You know me! I wouldn't have forced her!" Leon cried.

"I really love her!" He shouted when neither boy backed off.

SHIFT 2 - PurgatoryWhere stories live. Discover now