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Nagisa woke in pain. Yeah, Ryu was huge, but they had gotten lube from Fenn as they left the party. It wasn't just his ass that hurt. His legs, arms, back, chest, even his head. He was pretty sure anywhere he had skin, ached. He moaned, trying to roll over.

Nagisa found himself cradled in his usual spot between Ryu's bent knees and chest. His chin rested atop Nagisa head. Yet, Nagisa felt as if the space was too small now. He wiggled. Groaning as the pain escalated.

"Ryu!" He whined, attempting to get free of the dragon.

Ryu snorted in his sleep. He pulled Nagisa tighter to him. The movement caused even more pain. Nagisa cried out. Ryu was instantly awakened by the sound.

"Nagisa? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I, I hurt, everywhere." Nagisa gasped.

Ryu let go of him. He backed away until his back hit the wall of the cavern. He looked horrified.

"I, I was too big, too rough!" He began tugging at his hair.

"No, no! It wasn't from the sex. It..." Nagisa gasped.

"Aradia! It was Aradia's spell!" He snarled, trying to sit up. Gentle hands assisted him.

Ryu looked doubtful. Nagisa touched his cheek. Ryu turned his face against it.

"Your hand feels different." He took it in his own. It was over half the length of the dragons, at least two sizes larger than what it had been the day before.

"Are you bigger?" Ryu asked.

"The curse! Damn I always wondered why I was smaller than everyone in my family!"

Ryu helped Nagisa stand up. The teen tried to put his clothing back on, but it didn't fit. His chest was more filled out, legs thicker. He came to the mid point of Ryu's chest now. Even his hair was longer! Ryu touched him.

"You're still cute." He insisted kissing Nagisa lightly on the lips.

"But, I will have to walk back naked! None of my clothes will fit!" He raged. Ryu slipped his jacket over Nagisa's naked body.

"Take the ones you made, Mori. Apparently, they have a closet full." He joked.

"I would have to fight him for them!" Nagisa giggled. He was sure the pain was subsiding some.

"Let's head hack." Ryu dressed quickly.

He wrapped up Nagisa's clothes before heading out of the cave. More than once, the taller Nagisa hit his head. He came out rubbing it.

"Man, this sucks. I'm going to have to redo everything!" He complained.

"Like your hair. The blond's coming back out." Ryu touched where the lighter color spread from the top of the other teens' head.

"Damn it!" Nagisa yelled.

Ryu chuckled, slipping an arm around the other's waist. Nagisa laid his head against the dragon's chest. They walked for a while like this. As they came into view of the shack Aradia lived in, they saw other bodies passed out in the yard. Had it been that kind of night? Nagisa chuckled as he saw Fenn and Xavier, both naked, cuddled together. He couldn't help but kick them.

"Wake up, you're outside!" He insisted.

"Nags, looking good." Collin came out of the door.

His grin was larger than his face. Nagisa turned to glare at him. "What's with you?" he demanded.

Coldar stepped around the taller vampire. He eyed Nagisa. "Your voice is deeper, you look taller, why aren't you dressed? Wait, what's going on with your hair?" Coldar laid into Nagisa.

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