chapter 10: Do I?

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San turned around, looking down, as he couldn't muster up the courage to face him fully. He snatched the shoes and hurriedly wore them, running away not long after.

Wooyoung reached out his hand, only to grab the shallow air.

He shook his head in dismay and began to run after him.

San wasn't a good athlete. He could run only so far. So, right in front of a dead end, he came face to face with Wooyoung, the guy he had been avoiding so bad. His cheeks flushed, eyes wanting to spill out the excess fluid, but him trying to hold it back.

"Choi San, why do you run from me?"

He expected to see a smirk, or hear a mockery, or even a dolphin laugh. But none of that came other than the worried eyes of Wooyoung.

He was speechless. Was he kidding him? How awkward would it be?

"San, we don't have to be miles apart. Just let this thing go naturally."

Even Wooyoung was surprised. He usually never spoke this smart. He was even more surprised when his muscles pulled him down to grab San's feet and make him wear the black shoes.

He patiently tied up the shoelaces, not hesitating even a single bit as San stood frozen like a statue, not processing even a single thing.


San stammered. He had never been this embarrassed his whole life. Well, except the time his mother told Mingi about how he pooped his pants in childhood and the other male began laughing his ass off.

When Wooyoung was done, he was ready to take another sprint, not caring that his carefully styled hair would be flowing in the air. But Wooyoung grabbed a tough hold on his jacket, putting him in place and looking into his eyes, which showed nothing but guilt. No one should be guilty for liking someone, he thought, even if it is a trashbag like me. They were friends, true, and they could still be. 

But San always thought that friends don't like each other in that sense. So, if one falls in love, there can be no friendship that remains.

Wooyoung spoke again, "San! Talk to me. I have been so worried about you!"

San looked at him dead in the eyes. "What is there to talk? I fucked everything up! My confession changed everything! Woo, why don't-"

Then he sank to the ground, stopping his words to hold back his sniffle.

"San! We don't have to ignore each other!"

"We do. We do. How am I supposed to get over you like that?"

This shut him up. He gulped at San's amazingly bold words that struck a chord within his body and mind, making his mind go blank and once again, all he could helplessly do was stare at him longingly.

San got up, dusting himself off, "Just as I expected, Wooyoung. Once again, you're speechless. Why would you even have an answer to that? It's not like you'd ever give me a chance. What was I even thinking before confessing?"

He laughs at himself once, a non humorous one. That'd take guts, especially when he never even laughed a real laugh in front of anyone else.

This San was different. But Wooyoung liked this side of hm that didn't hide his feelings, his displeasure, his happiness, sadness or even guilt. He liked the San who was just like an open book.

Wooyoung took a deep breath, making San quiver in anticipation as the clouds darkened above them, the people beginning to run around screaming rain and the nearby bridge going all deserted.

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