Shaka The Frozen Yeti

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Julius Was hanging around when the phone starts ringing, he goes to pick it up

Julius: Julius Speaking!

Shaka Brah: I'm... i'm... freez... ing...

Julius: How?

Shaka Brah: The tempauture is at a all time low, record low actually 

Julius: We'll crack you open!

Julius Jr hangs up and tells his friends

Worry Bear: wow, what if he's frozen forever?

Julius: He won't be! Lets just get him unfrozen!

Sheree: Good!

They all put their icelaska clothes and go to icelaska

Shaka Brah: Oh.. he.. hey... guys!

Julius: Hey Shaka! wow, you are frozen, lets just break you open!

Julius Jr and Friends goes to pick up objects that can crack the ice

Julius Picks a Axe, Worry Bear Grabs a cushion, Sheree grabs a pointy hat and clancy and ping grab a Hammer

Julius Jr and friends: Lets do this

They all begin smashing the ice

Ping: Come on!!!!

The ice starts to crack and..., CRACKED OPEN

Shaka Brah: Hey! I'm unfrozen!

Julius Jr and friends: woohoo! We're always here to help anyone!

Shaka Brah: See you and shaka brah!

They wave and leave Icelaska

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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