Nova's Mission

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Nova: my family lost their shine and I need you to get their shine back

Julius jr: are they in space?

Nova: yep, and you gotta get it back!

Julius jr: okie dokie!

Julius and his friends goes into the rocket and blasts off to save novas family

Navi: save our shine...

Julius: Hey, are you Nova's Family?

Narbi: Yep we are...

Worry bear: how... how. did you... lose your shine?

Navi: we lost it when we became sad over a sad intergalstic movie

Sheree: we'll get it back.... WITH JOKES!

Ping: what did one star say to the other star before bed? Goodnight

Narbi: Ha. haa... oh. IM SHINING!

Navi: we got our shines back! thank you ping and the julius jr gang

Julius jr: always glad to help! see ya!

Navi and Narbi: BYEEE!!!!!!!!!

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