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"Rowan, I've got it handled," Sam promises me as he stands from his seat

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"Rowan, I've got it handled," Sam promises me as he stands from his seat.

"We are married now. We can go together," I flash him a grin.

"Why don't you go dance with your uncle Seth?" Sam asks our daughter. She nods eagerly in response as Sam helps her down.

We both watch as she skips towards Seth and he picks her up gracefully.

Sam grips onto my hand as we make our way out of the wedding venue.

"Can Edward come so he can translate?" I ask softly, knowing Edward can hear me.

"There's no need. They came in human form," Alice answers.

Huh. Strange.

I could feel the presence of Paul and Jacob following behind us. We continue to walk out into the woods until we are met with a clearing. Drew and Alex are standing there with two others I have never seen before. Their pack must be growing.

"We didn't get invited," Drew speaks up with a grin.

"We don't tend to invite the enemy," Sam answers casually.

"That's a shame. I would have loved to meet your daughter."

Both of us tense up at the mention of our daughter but we don't change our expressions.

"Valentina, right?"

"Leave her out of this," I snap at the bear.

"You look beautiful, Rowan. Just as beautiful as the other night in the woods," Drew continues.

"Alright, I've had enough of this shit," Paul mutters from behind us.

I send him a threatening glare that gets him to calm down before looking back at Drew, "what do you want?"

"As you can see, our pack is growing with the arrival of bloodsuckers. We want you to leave. This is our land," He answers.

"Is that all you want?" Sam asks, "for us to leave?"

"If you do, I'll make sure not to harm any vampires or your precious daughter."

Alex glares at her brother, "we aren't threatening humans."

"Relax, baby sis. I just want them to know that we are serious. Get off our our land or else," Drew shrugs casually.

"You couldn't have waited until it wasn't my wedding night to tell me this?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I was curious of how many of you there actually are," He answers.

"Leave," Sam orders him in his alpha tone.

"Message received?" Drew asks us.

"Messaged received," I confirm.

I stare in awe as my husband spins our daughter around on the dance floor. I sip champagne from my glass that reads Mrs. Paul makes his way towards me with a cheesy grin on his face. How adorable is he?

"Want to dance?" He asks me, holding out his hand.

"Will red paint splash all over me? This was a rather expensive dress," I point out.

"I make one mistake and you hold it against me for all eternity," He complains but keeps his hand held out for me.

"You made several mistakes but I suppose that is the past," I answer as I take his hand.

He pulls me up easily, "I have a baby with your sister. You could let it go."

"You ruined my first relationship, you hit me, you made that psycho girl hate me..." I rant but am cut short by his hand covering my mouth.

I pull his hand away, "You're going to ruin my lipstick!"

"It is a bit smudged."

I glare at him and smack him in his arm. I hear little feet run over to us, "why are you hitting Uncle Paul?"

I giggle as I pick up my small daughter, "I'm sorry."

"Want me to kiss it better?" Valley asks her uncle with concern in her eyes.

"Will you, please? It hurt so much!" Paul complains dramatically.

Valley nods and leans over to kiss where I hit him in his arm. Paul takes her from my arms, "That's much better, princess."

She throws her arms around his neck and giggles, "Good!"

I watch them with a small smile. Paul may have been a shitty boyfriend but he's the best friend and uncle that I could have ever wished for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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