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Madelaine Petsch as Rowan Black

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Madelaine Petsch as Rowan Black

I never expected to die at the hands of my own sister. You can image my confusion when that ended up not being true. I was fully prepared to die. I wrote a letter to my beautiful baby and mentally said goodbye to everyone. I blacked out and I thought that was it.

I somehow ended up in Italy with the Volturi. To my surprise, I was not in a scary dungeon or cage. I was in a huge ass room. Apparently someone took a liking to me and Bella was ordered to bring me to them. I don't have any idea how she got away with it but she did.

That person who took a liking to me? You'll never believe it. Fucking Caius! Yes the scary Caius. I have no idea what or why but he found something alluring about me.

 I have no idea what or why but he found something alluring about me

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I stare at Caius as he enters my room. He made it a tradition to come into my room every night to have dinner with me. I ate human food while he drank blood from a cup. Literally from a cup!

He sets the plate of food on the stand and takes a seat next to me. He's never touched me in the one year that I have been here. I can tell he wants to at times. Sometimes he will go out to touch me but stop himself.

"Rowan Black," he speaks softly.

"Caius," I answer him in the same tone.

"Are you happy here?" He asks almost in a whisper.

"You know the answer to that," I tell him, shaking my head.

In the year that I have been here, I haven't taken a step past these walls. I write to Sam and Valentina everyday but I know my letters never get sent. I hand them to Caius every night after dinner and he always frowns.

"I'm just unsure how I can let you go," he speaks truthfully.

"What is your end goal here? You can't keep me here forever."

"You know that I can, I just don't know if I will."

"How can I get you to let me go?" I ask, moving closer to him.

Caius has been one of my only friends here even though he is the reason I am here. It gets lonely living with a bunch of vampires that barely acknowledge your existence.

"You know that I would never hurt you," he ignores my question.

"Caius, I'm hurting because I'm not with my daughter."

"What if I bring her here?" He offers.

My eyes widen in shock, "no way! She's just a baby."

Except she's not a baby anymore. She's a toddler now. I wonder how long her hair is and if it got any lighter. I wonder how many words she can speak now. I wonder if Sam found someone to replace me as her mother. She needs a mother.

"I need one thing from you and then I can let you go," he tells me, reaching out to touch me for the first time.

He places his cold palm against my cheek and I stare into his red eyes. What could this one thing be?

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