Chapter 2 - Oh, so it is real

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Darcy stood at the entrance of the arena, unsure of where does she need to go in. She held onto her duffel bag strap tight as she stared at the empty place. She checked her note that Ted had given her yesterday. According to the address that Ted has written, she was sure this was it. But she can't see an entrance since the main door was locked shut from the outside. She'd just arrived at Tampa, Florida and this was the arena that they are shooting this week's show. She paced around, trying to find for a place, probably a small door that might open, but they were all shut.

Darcy stood there, looking around, trying to find anyone she could ask for directions. 

A pat on the shoulder caught her by surprise as she turned around to find a guy with exceptionally beautiful golden hair and hazel brown eyes. He wore a tight collared t-shirt that revealed the shape of his biceps and loose khaki pants, paired with a brown small-headed belt. He looked like a prince that just came out of a Disney movie. 

"Are you lost?" The guys asked, looking concerned.

"Not really. I am where I'm supposed to be but I just can't find a way in" Darcy explained.

"I think you must be mistaken, girl. This arena is booked for WCW talent only for the next three days" The guy explained. 

"I am a talent" Darcy said. 

The guy laughed, Darcy wasn't sure what he found amusing. She simply stared at him.

"Oh, you're serious?" The guy realized that Darcy wasn't joking when he saw her reaction. 

"Ted signed me yesterday. He told me to come here today" Darcy said, handing the paper to him.

The guy took the paper, reading it through. His eyebrows shot up in amusement. 

"I see, well, we usually use the back entrance that only the talent could use. Follow me" The guy said, pointing at the other side. 

Darcy followed behind him. They made their way all the way back and passed through security. Darcy had to explain to the security guard that she was new and show her letter in order to get through since they only allow authorized people in. It was a really tight security there. She asked for directions to Ted's office and made her way to the place the security told her to go to. The guy earlier decided to accompany her to the office.

"Well, forgive me for laughing just now. It wasn't cuz' I was making fun of you, it's just that these people don't really hire girls like you. I mean it in a good way though" The guy said, feeling bad for laughing earlier. "Most of the girls here are, well, you know, smaller"

Darcy nodded in understood.

"Most of them don't really wrestle. They're either a valet or a comedy skit. But if Ted has hired you, I'm sure he's hired you for more than just a sex symbol, you know?" The guy smiled.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that" Darcy smiled, started to warm up with him. "Have you been around some time?"

"Only a few months. I was in the IWF before this. And you? Your first promotion?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, it is, actually" Darcy said, the guy looking at her in amusement. 

"First promotion and straight to the top, ey?" He teased to which Darcy chuckled. 

They stood in front of a door that wrote Ted's name on it, confirming that it was Ted's office. 

"This is it. You want me in with you?" The guy asked.

"No, I'm cool. Thank you, by the way" Darcy said with a smile. "You have been really kind" 

The guy smiled. "My pleasure, Miss..."

Love At Dawn [Shawn Michaels / WWE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora