Pt 7 Kylie rescues Swift

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(Kylie) Oh Swift where are you?! (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) Kylie! I'm down here! Please help me! (Kylie) But which way are you? I can't even see you! Please tell me where you're at! (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) Kylie! Go down and turn left. (Kylie) OK. (Goes down and turns left) Oh I see you now! Oh Swift I was so worried about you! (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) Owwww! Please get this rock off my wing! My wing is in so much pain right now! And I can't move! (Kylie) Shhhh. It's OK Swift. I'm here now. On the count of 3 I'm going to move that rock off your wing. (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) OK. Owww! My wing hurts too much! (Kylie) 1, 2, 3! (Pushes the rock off of Swift's wing) (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) Oh thank you Kylie! (Kylie) You're welcome Swift. My sweet blue jay friend! Can you get up? (Swift) (Sobbing nonstop) (Tries to get up but can't) Owww! No. I can't! I'm in too much pain right now Kylie! Please help me up! (Kylie) (Puts her one arm around Swift's back and the other one around his stomach and puts him in his arms) It'll be OK Swift. I promise. I'm going to get you outta here now. To Be Continued.....

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