02. Alyssa Bennett hates parties

Start from the beginning

Alyssa: so you won't with Vicky... All summer long...? [He stays silent] right! Yeah, fuck you..

Jemery: you were there.. most of the summer... and Im not sleeping with Vicky.. Alyssa... Is that what people Tyler is saying? [She nods] baby.. Vicky Donavan, and I are not together nor have I ever been involved with her in any way... Sexually..

Alyssa; I don't believe you [in a singing sarcastic tone, he slightly chuckles]

Jemery: babe.. listen to me.. Vicky.. is just a friend... we hung out a few times, when you were with the girls...  but I didn't fuck her...

Alyssa: such bullshit...
Jemery: Alyssa?

Alyssa: No, you. You're bullshit, jermey..
[Hiccupping and drunk] A- and I think that we are bullshit..

Jeremy: Aly, you're drunk...

Alyssa: isn't that what you're supposed to do at these parties? [Walks away, and he signs, downing his drink.. leaning on the tree]

[Woods by the party.]

Vicki: No, Ty. I'm not having sex against a tree.

Tyler: Oh, come on, it would be hot.

Vicki: For who? No, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, not here, not like this. No. I said no. I said no! Ow, that hurts!
[Jeremy appears.]

Jeremy: Hey, leave her alone!
Tyler: You know, you're starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert.

Vicki: Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me.

Tyler: Wow. Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first. [Tyler leaves.]

Vicki: I didn't need your help.
Jeremy: It seems like you did.
Vicki: He was just drunk.

Jeremy: I'm drunk. Am I throwing myself at you?

Vicki: No, you're worse...

Jemery: worse?
Vicki: yes... because... You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me.

Jeremy: Is that what you think?
Vicki: That's what I know. [He pulls her back in] what, jermey?

Jemery: Vicky.... I care about you I do.. but were just friends okay? Friends.... Talking is just talking... Getting to know you.. is just getting to know you.... And all the whole... screw and screw and screw.. Is and always will be in your damn head!

Vicki: maybe it's the drugs talking huh Jeremey? Because, all the times we spent together, you saying you felt nothing?

Jemery: that's exactly what I'm saying... Vicky... Because I don't see you that way.

Vicki: well then your lair... Get off.. go find your girlfriend and leave me alone.

Jeremy: Glady.... [Walks away]

Mystic Grill

Bonnie: Are you two sober yet?
Caroline and Alyssa: No.

Bonnie: Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get us home.

Alyssa: I hate him.. i hate him.. I hate his hair, I hate his — his stupid smile and his stupid — [she turns to Caroline and sees that her best friend is upset... what.. who hurt her] Caroline.. why are you upset

Caroline: why.. why.. because of the new boy... Stefen.. he didn't go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?

Bonnie: I'm not touching that...
Alyssa: I am! [Alyssa goes to speak up but Bonnie stops her] because his a –

[Bonnie cuts her off.. bitch! Alyssa was about to tell Bonnie off but her eyes turn to the fries in front of her and starts to stuff her face]

Bonnie: eat your fries and drink the water.. grams would kill me if I brought you home drunk...

Alyssa: I'm not drunk, I'm totally and completely five thousand percent sober

[She says biting on a fry and looks at her cousin Bonnie, who laughs] Bonnie: that sentence just proves it, Aly. [She looks at confused] who says five thousand percent?

"I do" "Alyssa apparently"

The girls laugh -- Caroline: girls... why didn't he go for me? [Before they could respond to her, Caroline continues] I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And...Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! And he just picks her. And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and...I'm never the one.

Bonnie: It's not a competition, Caroline.
Caroline: Yeah, it is.

Alyssa walks into her room, shhing her door when opening it, she turns her light on and sees jemery sleeping and turns it back off and lays down with him] Alyssa: hey, what're you doing here?

Jeremy: Vicki got attacked at the bonfire.. [even with the light off  he could the smirk and smile on her face] are you smiling at the thought of Vicki being attacked..

Alyssa: no... Not at all.. okay.. maybe a little.
[He slightly chuckles at her comment] is she okay...

Jemery: I don't know..
Alyssa: are you okay?
Jemery: ask me tomorrow! [She turns around and falls asleep] I didn't sleep with Vicky... I need you to know that.. I wouldn't do that to you... [He looks at her]

Alyssa: so you have no feelings towards her at all... And romantic feelings?

Jemery: I'd admit.. there is sexual tension... But I haven't done anything with it... it's simply plontic.. I need you to trust me, Aly..

Alyssa: trust you? How can I trust you?
Jemery: I haven't given you any doubt to not trust me..

Alyssa: hanging out with Vicky.. is why I don't trust you.. she doesn't just hang out, jermery. So with that, being said.. I'm going to sleep..

Jemery: Aly? [turns her head] I haven't. And I wouldn't.. baby please..

Alyssa: just go to bed, jermey!
Jemery: not when I know you're mad at me!

Alyssa: I'm not mad. I'm fine.. okay [kisses him and turns back around to sleep]

Jeremy: I know for a fact when you say, fine.. your not fine.. [she turns around and gets on top of him]

Alyssa: jermey... Shut up!

Jermey: yes ma'am... [She kisses him and turns around] I love you, [She hums, at his answer.... She turns around and hugs him, laying her head in his chest, he looks up at the wall, and signs]

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