Leilani's brow furrowed slightly at the implication. "I understand your concern, Senator," she replied evenly. "But as a Jedi, I am bound to uphold the principles of peace and justice. If my involvement in political matters can contribute to the greater good, then I cannot turn a blind eye."

Senator Aang chimed in, his tone sceptical. "Nevertheless, General, your planet and your brother's ties to the separatists cast a shadow of doubt. How can we be sure that your allegiance lies with the Republic and not with the separatist cause?"

Leilani sighed, the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her as she moved to neaten her cape's clasps. "I did not choose to be born into the ruling family of Serenno, nor did I seek the mantle of leadership," she explained. "But I cannot abandon my people, nor can I risk plunging my planet into chaos and imminent civil-war by openly opposing my brother."

Senator Aang nodded thoughtfully. "Even so, perhaps, in light of recent events, a show of military presence may be necessary to ensure stability on Serenno."

Leilani's jaw tensed at the suggestion. "Militarising my planet will only exacerbate tensions," she countered.

Senator Tanner leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "General, with all due respect, the Senate cannot afford to ignore the potential threat posed by your brother's ties to the separatists. We must consider all options to safeguard the Republic."

"Resorting to military intervention without exhausting diplomatic efforts first could have dire consequences," said Leilani " I will implore the Senate to consider a more nuanced approach."

"I agree with General Serenno," Senator Vivyn, known for her staunch advocacy for diplomacy, spoke up. "We must explore all diplomatic channels before resorting to military action. War should always be a last resort."

"While diplomacy is commendable, we cannot ignore the reality of the threat," voiced his concern Senator Aang. "We must be prepared to act decisively to protect the Republic's interests."

Her brother's domain was one of manipulation and audacious ambition, a realm where clarity and reason often bowed to unchecked desires. He was a scion shaped by his own aspirations, a natural leader who embraced the mantle with fervour. From the moment he was anointed by the TirraTaka, his path seemed ordained. Meanwhile, Leilani held the wisdom, yet her voice lacked the persuasive cadence of his. She wasn't destined to sway opinions; her role was to inquire and execute, bound by duty rather than charisma.


Anakin and Obi-Wan couldn't help but sense a trace of Leilani's self-doubt as they made their way up with the elevator. Yet, it wasn't just her uncertainty that they sensed; Anakin also detected a subtle wave of emotion emanating from his former Master - a mixture of nervousness and concern, silently conveyed through the Force.

"I sense some anxiety from you about Leilani," Anakin told Obi-Wan plainly, causing the older Jedi to snap his hand away from his beard and give him a look. "She couldn't be in safer hands."

"Yes, I know." The answer was short and tempered, just as he expected.

He stole a glance at his Master, the unspoken question lingering between them. "You were close, weren't you, before..." Anakin trailed off, knowing his words conveyed the weight of their shared history. He dared to tread further, hoping for a glimpse into Obi-Wan's inner world, beyond the barriers of duty and stoicism that often shrouded him. Despite their bond, there were depths within Obi-Wan that remained elusive, particularly when it came to matters concerning Leilani or Qui-Gon. Anakin had gleaned snippets of their shared past from Leilani, but he longed for his Master to share his own experiences and that he wouldn't be the only one to form attachments and to love.

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