Belonging To Magic

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This story has no prompt, I'm just posting it to here from when my class was doing a Fantasy Short Story project- so enjoy this jumbled mess of fbsjoviekfide I made at school :3


      "Take cover!" someone shouted from behind me. Everyone around the area dropped to the ground whilst I proceeded to make a large mistake. Instead of dropping down like everyone else, I quickly raised my arms, crossing them in a defensive position over my chest in a shielding position.

      A flash of a blue holographic-looking shield appeared for a few seconds before me as an explosion rocked the ground around me. A string of curses flowed from my mouth as the world around me slowed. People around me lay unmoving, before everything turned to white.

      The white turned to black, which turned to gray, before stopping at a greenish gray color that morphed into a cell. A piece of paper appeared in the air, slowly floating down to the ground. Before it did though, I quickly snatched it out of the air.

      The note was written in beautiful cursive, and by beautiful, I mean it took around five minutes for me to decipher it.

Greetings Skye,
      I suppose you must be wondering why you are here. Or maybe you are not, considering the magic you visibly wielded within the sights of normal humans. Quite the large task for the memory department, might I add.
      Anyways, let us get to the point. You are here for underage magic usage, as well as magic usage in front of non-magic users. Might I say, quite the dumb idea to break two of the largest rules.
      Your sentence will be five years and two months. I will be visiting you soon to say hello, so have fun till then. If you even have a way of fun.
                                                        Sincerely, Zayn.

       To say that got my thoughts racing was a bit of an understatement. They were full on flying. The name at the end kept ringing through my head, leaving no space in my mind untouched.
      Zayn. 'No, that can't be right.' I thought, my eyes widening. No, my dad died years ago. He couldn't be back. I watched him die. Then again, there were probably many other Zayns in the world. Right? Yes, that had to be the answer. It was a different Zayn.

      Suddenly, a tapping noise sounded behind me. I turned, just in time to see a portion of the wall crumble beneath a barred window. A deer head poked through, and smashed open more of the wall with his antlers.

      "Get out of there, or you can stay here and die. Your choice." stated a voice through a Russian accent. I looked around for a second, before realizing the voice came from the deer.

      "You can talk?"

      This seemed to mildly annoy the deer. "She wields the strongest magic and is yet shocked at the sight of a talking animal. Hilarious." replied the deer, more to itself than to me, its dark brown eyes rolling in my direction.

     "Дa (yes), I can speak. Now get out. I can assure you that he is not coming to give you a friendly hello." added the deer, gesturing his head towards the gaping hole in the wall.

      His large antlers clashed against the wall, quickly followed by a few Russian curses. There was a clatter on the floor, where a few pieces of broken off antlers now lay. I made a mental note to stay away from his now razor-sharp antlers as I stepped outside, the moon clear in the night sky.

      "Wow, it's dark out already." I said, stating the obvious. Behind me, I heard a 'tch' noise from the deer.

      "You were out for a long time. The full transportation must have taken a while, with you coming here from so far away. From a different dimension, might I add." the deer said, his accent heavier as his voice dropped lower.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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