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Sorry guys! Just an author's note!

I'm going to put out a fic called Sorry Jack, which will be based on the song of the same name (20 years and going strong, he's never kissed a girl besides his mom~!) by Scratch21.

It'll be about... well... Teddy failing to get a girlfriend. Why Teddy? Well, he's so easy to pick on.

It'll have a few strange moments - for example, he will go yandere close to the end - but overall I'm hoping it'll be good.

Oh, and I have a vote for you guys!

I'm gonna write a shipfic along with the ones planned (Fronnie, Toy Chica x Mangle, etc.) and I'd like to know which ones you'd like! :D

'Tis all!

~ Foozbear the gre-- I mean, Lillyfroo.

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