Chapter 20: Farming Fun

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My dad drove down the desolate road explaining how much i'd love the farm and his new girlfriend while I looked out the window angry that my mom would send me out to the middle of nowhere with him and his new whore. "You'll love it here" he said and he smiled at me as he pulled up to the old 2 story country house. An older blonde woman stood on the porch in a pink t-shirt, bootcut jeans, cowboy boots, and a bandana around her neck with a bright smile on her face. "Oh god" I mumbled and got out of the car. I grabbed my bags out of the back and walked up the stairs behind my dad "Hello, It's so nice to meet you! I'm Lacy!" she smiled and held her hand out to me to shake "Uh Eve" I shook her hand.

My dad took me inside, up the stairs and to the door at the right end of the hallway "This'll be your room" he smiled and set my bag down and left the room closing the door behind him "Greeeaat" I said sarcastically and looked around the room, there was a large window on the wall across from the door with a full bed right in front of it, a dresser right in front of it, and a built in bookshelf on the right wall. I decided to unpack the 4 bags I have with me since I now have all of the time in the world.

A couple hours later my dad called me down and I walked down the stairs and sat down in a chair across from my dad and Lacy. "I hope you like it," Lacey smiled and started to eat the steak and corn she made. Just as I started to eat I heard a loud slam from the front door and a guy around my age walked in grabbed a plate and walked back out without saying a word "Uh hun don't you wanna meet-" Lacy stood up and tried to talk to the boy but he quickly cut her off "Fuck off!" he yelled back and slammed his door. I looked at everyone in shock "What just happened?" I asked looking from Lacy to my dad as they looked around silently then she took a breath "That's uh that's Ace, my son" she sat back down and continued to eat but then my father spoke up "Your new stepbrother, he has a room on the other side of the stairs but he sleeps in the barn a lot".

"Oh my god" I said as I got up and walked out I could hear them yelling after me but I didn't care I needed some air badly although kind of dark considering how late it actually was but it helped a lot with my panic attack. After I calmed down I decided to explore the area a little bit to pass time. I walked around the area and found what typically is on a farm so I decided to look in the barn. I walked in and explored the first floor and found nothing really interesting but when I climbed the stairs I found some more interesting things.

When I flipped a switch a dim light came on and my breath left my body, the room was in the shape of a triangle and right across from the door is a small window then to the right of the window is a bulky bookshelf and against the bookshelf is a head of a full bed with red and black sheets. Above the bed were just plain band posters but to the left there was a desk with pictures of naked women who were plastered on the wall that were clearly taken by Ace and next to the desk was camera equipment.

There were two photo albums on the table. I grabbed the top one and opened it and my heart dropped as I read through the other pages my body tingled and my heart sped up. The pages were filled with half naked pictures of Ace although I didn't get a good look at him earlier I knew it was him. He was hot with his black shaggy hair, ice cold blue eyes and large muscles. Most pictures were him in sweatpants, towels, fresh out of the shower and after sex showing off his V line and his many tattoos hidden by his hoodie earlier.

Once I got to the last two pages I felt myself get wet, in the last 8 pictures he was posed completely naked and under the trimmed curly black hair at the base of his dick was a tiny butterfly. "Oh my..." I trailed off as I got up and put the book back where it was then quickly left feeling hot and shocked.

When I walked into the house my dad was waiting by the stairs "Where were you?" he asked as soon as I walked in the door and I sighed and rolled my eyes "I went for a walk it's hard to breathe around you" I slammed the door and went to walk past him "It's late you can't go wandering around" he said back angrily and grabbed my arm to stop me "It's not that late it's barely past 8 and besides I never left the property" I yanked my arm back and went up the stairs. I barely made it to the top of the stairs when I saw Ace leaning against the wall just before the balcony staring at me with his bright blue eyes and a small smirk on his face. I stopped for a split second but quickly walked the other way to my room feeling the pool of wetness grow in my panties. I slammed my door closed and took a breath then laid down in bed and stared at the empty ceiling until sleep finally overtook me.

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