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When I walk into school the next day, I have a mission which I will not allow anyone to derail me from. The minute I get through the double doors, I go looking for Adonis. I need to know what his family is planning on doing to the café, and whether or not Fred will be properly repaid for his years of service to the place.

"You don't think any of this is even just a little bit unnecessary, T?" Ang asks what some people would consider a reasonable question, but to me, it's blasphemy. I twist to look at her face more clearly, "Angela Tristy. This is the café we have dedicated the majority of our lunch time to since we were 14. I will not allow it to fall into the hands of some mere amateurs."

Her face twists, "Fred did say that they've opened a ton of different restaurants."

"Exactly! Restaurants. Not cafés! They'll butcher the spirit of the place if they're not careful."

She sighs. "So what's your plan? Harass Adonis until he tells you exactly what his family's evil master plan is for the place."

I nod, glad that I could finally knock some sense into her. She just rolls her eyes at me before turning into another corridor. I continue on my path to the locker room. 

However, when I arrive at my destination, I realise there is one big issue. The target is indeed there, but he is surrounded by almost every girl in his year. Shit. If I try to get close to Adonis, all the girls will think I'm trying to get with him. I look over to him, but he doesn't even notice my presence.

I walk to class, feeling slightly defeated, but I will not give up. Especially in the face of such a small problem. My first class is PSE (Personal and Social Education), in which I sit next to Angela.

 Luckily, no one ever listens to our teacher in that class, so we are free to hatch a plan. As I sit down, Angela glances up at me, and obviously notices my expression, "Plan didn't go accordingly, huh?"

I just send a death stare at her stupid mocking tone.  "No, but that was just plan A. I'm now moving on to plan B."

"Which is.....?" I continue glaring at her. "Currently making it."

The teacher switches on a powerpoint about herd mentality, but no one's watching. As I drum my fingers against the table, trying to think of some way to corner Adonis, I hear the two girls behind me, Amy and Meghan, talking about some party they're going to on Saturday. I try to listen in to their conversation, but the class is too loud. All I catch is that it's at Cooper's house, and it starts at 9. 

A party. Surely Adonis will be there. It's his first week, and he's already popular. What else would he be doing on his Saturday night. Where better to corner an unsuspecting boy than at a party? Plan B has been formed, then. I just need to activate it. 

I've not been to a party in a while- just haven't had the time. But it's not like I haven't been invited; I have, I just choose not to go. I've had too much experience cleaning up after drunk people in my life to be doing it on weekends, too.

Angela parties enough for the two of us, anyway, but that's usually in clubs. With strangers. It sounds like my idea of hell, but she loves it, so who am I to stop her. But maybe it's time to get back on it again. Just for the plan, of course.

I used to be really good friends with Amy; we never really fell out, just moved on, so I would say we're still fairly tight. And Meghan's on the basketball team. So they're probably my best bet in getting invited to a party of a guy I've never even talked to. 

Sucking in a deep breath, I turn around. Both of their faces zero in on mine, and they both halt their conversation to listen to me. "Hey guys, are you talking about Cooper's?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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