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I knew Thea was a good player, but damn. It wasn't really any of her skills on their own, her ball handling was impressive, her shooting even more so, but her awareness of where everyone was on court at all times made her an impossible opponent, or at least she should be. It's just that one girl, the other centre,  she keeps fouling her and is somehow not getting called up for it.

It's been pissing her off all game and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't pissing me off, too.

She moves with such fluidity, such catlike precision, that I wonder why she hasn't played for the country yet. I'm a good player, sure, but I have nowhere near the dominance she brings to her team. My mouth drops open as she puts up a shot from under another player, and it goes in.

No wonder Coach is obviously so fond of her. Roman must see my expression, as he nudges my side, "Catching flies, Mayford?"

He's looking at me with a questioning stare- shit.  "Nah, I just forgot how slow girls' basketball is." 

What the fuck was that excuse. Seriously? Real smooth, Adam. But it covers me, at least for now, as Roman just rolls his eyes and mutters; "Sure"

I don't bother questioning what his tone is insinuating.

My mind is brought briefly back to the ball cupboard, I think that was the first time I had ever actually noticed that my friend's little sister is pretty fucking hot. I mean, it was kinda a weird situation, given that I had to literally set her knee back in place, but she still looked good, even when in pain, apparently.

 Ah shit. This is not looking good. 

You see, there are a few slight issues in hooking up with Thea;

1, I'm almost 100% sure that she's a virgin, and therefore I would actually have to dedicate time to her, not exactly my speciality.

2, I'm a year older than her, I mean, it's not even that bad, but given that I hang out with 20 year olds half the time; fucking a 16 year old would probably not go down very well with the general population.

3, Thea doesn't strike me as the 'no strings attached' type, meaning that I would probably have to go out with her, which doesn't really cooperate with my label. That being a careless manwhore who parties too often, according to my friend Jack.

 Also there's one other point to consider, even putting aside my history, and let's just say I would be fine with being in a relationship, there's one thing- or one person standing in my way;

I think Roman would rather melt his own eyeballs off rather than let me be with his sister, so even if I wanted to start something with her- which I don't-, It's not even a possibility. That's that thought resolved, I guess.

 I'm brought back to reality when suddenly everyone around me stands up and starts hugging and cheering, shit, is that game over already? I swear it was only the third quarter when I was last paying attention. I guess I was pretty distracted. I look down at Thea, and realise that I may have accidentally led her into believing that there could be something between us back in the ball cupboard.

For her sake, and maybe a little bit my own, I need to make it clear that I have no feelings for her.

I know she used to have a crush on me. Apart from the fact that it was really, like really obvious. Roman also told me. He thought it was funny, that I would never be seen as a possible threat to his sister. Maybe he was right back then, but now, I'm not so sure. 

Back then, I was only ever looking at girls on TV who were practically models, and fully believing  that they all looked like that 100% of the time. After experiencing one too many parties in which I had seen some girls, who most of the time were well put together and pretty, absolutely shitfaced; I realised that those actresses were not a reality.

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