R.A.T.: No Particular Place To Go

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Here's a short one, meant to help get a writing schedule started.
We'll see how it goes.

Jaune can't take being teased, but boy does he recover fast.
Also I'm bad at writing teasing and flirting. Kinda cringe, tbh.

4/25 edit: Fixed a Problem regarding Comments. 

This takes place right after Yang & Jaune's date, mainly on the way home. Neither want the date to end, so Jaune decided extend the night with a drive around town. It's a very short one.

"Oh ho, Loverboy has more planned does he?" Yang looked over at Jaune
"I really don't," he cowered.
She smirked, "I meant that Jaune, I just happened to be looking in your direction. Got anything to say?"

"Uh, I mean you were talking about how we would have the same idea for where I- He'd take you for the date," Jaune pointed out, ignoring her smug look from his fumble, "And well, if I don't have anything more planned, that means He doesn't either. I think he just doesn't want the date to end, and is driving you-her around for just a little more time together." 

Yang hummed at the response, "Alright, I'll give you that."
"He doesn't have any else planned for now," Blake pointed out.

If your done teasing Jaune-
"I had a few more, but go ahead."
-then we can start:

The view begins with a truck driving down the roads of Patch late at night. Yang sits close to Jaune, both are smiling.

Ridin' along in my automobile
My baby beside me at the wheel
I stole a kiss at the turn of a mile
My curiosity runnin' wild
Cruisin' and playin' the radio
With no particular place to go

"Hmm, bold," Blake called out regarding the surprise kiss.
Qrow scowled, he knocked back his flask, but didn't break eye contact with the back of the blonde's head.
Pyrrha was casting a side-eye stare.
Jaune felt cold.

"Getting a good look at it, that's a nice truck, Mr. Arc. Did you always own it?" Ironwood asked
Recovering, Jaune turned to the General, "It actually belongs to The Farm. Mom must have convinced Dad to let me use it, he gets very defensive if anyone of us ask for the keys and it wasn't to use it for work."
"Vomitboy, Loverboy, Farmerboy. I can't decide which's funnier." Yang struggled.

Ridin' along in my automobile 
I's anxious to tell her the way I feel
So I told her softly and sincere
And she leaned and whispered in my ear
Cuddlin' more and drivin' slow
With no particular place to go

"After that entire date, he's still unsure?" Yang asked a bit annoyed.
Blake pointed out, "Whatever you said seemed to have convinced him."
"Guess you can say, I was really trying to Drive it in."
The audience groaned.

[Solo] Kisses at stop signs, and laughter in between played along side the Solo.

"Nora, I was wrong. Please call back Ren."
"Already on it, Pyr."

No particular place to go
So we parked way out on the kokomo
The night was young and the moon was bold

So we both decided to take a stroll

Nora asked, "The What-omo?"
Ruby answered, "Kokomo. It's this little beach that some old surfer guy owns, it a lookout-slash-snorkeling spot after he cleaned it up."

Can you imagine the way I felt?
I couldn't unfasten her safety belt

They watched in amusement as the Other Jaune struggled with unbuckling her seat belt, clearly stuck, while their blonde sighed in his chair.

Glynda's chuckled looking toward Ironwood, James had the same thing happen when they were younger. He groaned at the memory, "That damned lock."

Jaune mumbled, "The Arc luck..."
But Yang was paying attention for his reactions, "Oh, You wanted to get lucky, Loverboy?"
"No!" He sat up, "That's not what I meant at all!"
Qrow glared another imaginary hole into the back of Jaune's head.

Ridin' along in my calaboose

"A prison, Ruby." "Thank you, Weiss."

still tryin' to get her belt aloose
All the way home I held a grudge
for the safety belt that wouldn't budge

Cruisin' and playin' the radio
With no particular place to go

Ironwood leaning toward Goodwitch and Ozpin, "Should we tell Qrow, there was a hidden meaning?"
Glynda looked back with a raised eyebrow.
"You're right, kid wouldn't survive."
"He likely knows, yet doesn't want to admit it," Ozpin added.

This would be the one and only date the two would have together, with Jaune studying in Beacon, and Yang in boxing tournaments, both agreed that while it was a great night, they couldn't really keep a long relationship going. The blondes would still be great friends, and Yang would have a lot of material to tease Jaune with whenever they would meet again.

The Yang paused in teasing Jaune, taking in the new knowledge.
Yang stood up, turning to the boy, "Alright that settles it then, Arc!"
"Wha-" He said taken aback.
"We're dating now-" "What?!" ",-and after whatever fashion trip you'll have with your team, we're going to to be recreating that," She points to the screen," Arcade & Drive! Minus the belt mishap."

Qrow challenged, "Yang, we've seen what's basically 2 Music videos, what's basically 10 minutes, bit quick to claim a boyfriend."
She shrugged, "Sure, but RWBY & JNPR have known him for months, our teams are basically at the hip already. All that's happened is solidification in my choice, and with both of us being huntsman, it wont end with just one date." Ruby muttered, "Solidification?"

"He can't!" Pyrrha shouted.

Everyone looked in surprise, though Ozpin and Goodwitch weren't.

She deflated, blushing, "I- I- Sorry, I just mean, it's- oh..."

"She's right," Jaune spoke up, looking to Yang apologetically.

"I'm sorry Yang, but I can't go out with you."

Only a few chapters in, and I'm already not liking my writing. Well, everyday is an improvement of oneself, I suppose.

This chapter is actually 2 chapters broken up.
This is because the other half has nothing to do with the song.

A bonus to this (on my end) is that I get more time to write chapters, and use my amateurish proofreading skills to make sure it at least looks alright.

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