1) "Hideout"

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I was 7 I could hear the waves crashing and the wind blowing moving my black curly hair while trying to walk carefully over the rocks  to find tiny little crabs, I really liked them because they were really cute so I would catch them and then put them inside my pink bucket, then I would put them in my self made aquarium at home.
While I was searching for the crabs I  heard the sound of thunder I got scared so I started running away but suddenly I tripped and fell on one of the sharp rocks cutting my thigh open.
I was desperate so I started crying because of the pain but there was no one there because of the rainy weather.
I wasn't too far away from my house but I couldn't stand up so I had to crawl back home.
When I got home my mom Sara started screaming at me because I was spilling blood all over the floor.

Sara:"You idiot you are ruining my carpet get out!"

luckily my dad  heard me crying so he came to help me.

Dad:"what happened! "

Mirabel:" I h-h-heard a t-t-thunder so I got scared and tripped on a r-r-rock"

He sat on the sofa and disinfected my wound,he wanted to take me to the hospital but my mom said that we shouldn't waste our money on some dumb painless cut, My dad agreed but only because we were short of money and he new how to heal me properly.

Then he  grabbed a needle then disinfected it  putting it in boiling water,when I saw the needle I panicked but I trusted my dad so I closed my eyes in pain and let him proceed.

Now I'm 16 and I got this huge scar on my inner thigh and that's why I never wear short skirts or bikini bottoms .
Growing up my Dad bought me boy trousers and shorts so I could hide the scar but  my mom always got furious because she claimed that if I dressed like that I would never find a rich husband .

I have always hated my mom and she hated me too,she has never been kind to me and never shown me any kind of affection.
My Dad once told me that my mom wasn't like that  when they met, he said she used to be very kind and sweet until  I was born because before that my parents didn't have any money problems, in fact,they were pretty wealthy all thanks to my aunt Anne because she was crazy rich so she was kind enough to pay their bills, their taxes, their food...but she has never liked my mom because she knew that Sara wasn't a good person so she didn't inherit a single penny to her but one day on July 10th while I was being born my mom had too much blood loss so she needed someone to transfer her some blood but the only person with her same blood type was my aunt, Anne had health problems so the doctors explained to her that it was too dangerous and that she could easily die but my aunt did not hesitate and accepted the blood transfusion,sadly in the process she couldn't make it.
Luckily they had drained enough blood from her so that my mom could live.

But after that not only  didn't my family have any money but my mom hated me because she said that it  was my fault if Anne was dead, I grew up always hearing horrible things being said to me.

Mom:"I hate you! You are useless,you ruined this family and it's all your fault!"


My dad was devastated and tried doing every possible job so that we could have enough money to eat while my mom stayed home to take care of me.
The only nice memories that I have are the ones I made on my birthdays.
On that day every year, we go to the  secret place that we call "The hideout" which is  on top of a cliff where under there are many pointy rocks, then we sit down and start watching the dolphins jump out of the water while  we look at the sunset.
Those are my favorite memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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