BP003-P03 - Marionette 3

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"Surely the other two will leave as soon as we get to Aoka, or is that not right?"

"Yes, it is."

"It is, unfortunately. In reality, he doesn't care if anything happens to me. If it does, he'll take another wife. He only married me for the name anyway. Why else did he keep Maria with him? He separated me from my daughter for this nonsense. I won't forgive him for that."

"I think he's worried that something might happen to you, so he sent you away for your own safety."

"Do you want to explain to me what my husband thinks about me?"

"No, I wasn't meant like that. I wouldn't want to presume that."

"Then don't do it either." the queen ordered the minister. "Of course he's worried that something might happen to me, but only because he's afraid of the consequences. Unfortunately, that's all there is to it. He said the whole thing was for my protection, but in reality he just doesn't want to waste staff on me. He only put those two up to me to make me think it wasn't like that. I'm sure he would have preferred to keep the brat to himself." she explained in a tired tone.

"You mean Mrs. Hanazawa? Do you have something against her?"

"Don't you see how she treats me. Isn't that enough?"

"..." Minister Schoppe didn't answer her.

"Her luck is that Maria likes her, otherwise I would have sacked her already."

In the meantime, Meia had found out something else. Mrs. Hanazawa was the masked woman. When the door was open, the queen had addressed her by her surname. Violet had called her by her first name. So her full name was Yuri Hanazawa. Normally, the queen addressed hardly anyone by name, as it was a sign of respect. Addressing someone without using their name meant that they were not important enough to remember their name. Accordingly, the masked woman had a higher position at court than Meia. Nevertheless, she had never heard her name before. It was also a strange name. It sounded strange. Possibly the masked woman was not from Jena.

"So, little one."

Meia straightens up.

"You like eavesdropping, don't you?"


"So you like lying too?"


"We're driving to Aoka. It's a small hick town in the forest. As you've already heard, I've been advised not to show my face in public. However, that only applies to me and my maids, but not necessarily to you. It's not unrealistic for me to lend Schoppe useless staff for his business trip. You will accompany him for the first few days at least. Schoppe will have appointments in the city, together with you. There will be a ball tomorrow evening and you will also go there with him. All of this is not for pleasure, of course, or at least not for your pleasure. You will be his personal assistant. I expect you to do everything he asks of you. And I mean everything. Do you understand what I'm trying to say or do I need to go into more detail?"

Aoka was a town in the south-east of Jena and apparently the destination. Meia looked up anxiously at Minister Schoppe. His expression had hardly changed. The corner of his mouth twitched a little. It looked like he was trying to grin, but his face was too tense. The realization hit Meia like a bolt of lightning. Was it anticipation? Meia couldn't refuse if it was the queen's wish. Her employment contract was basically a slave contract with break times. No matter what the queen wanted her to do, she would have to do it.

"Ahaha, Schoppe, if you don't play along, then it's no fun."

It was probably just another joke. The queen could hardly stop laughing. Why was she doing this to her? It seemed as if everything she did was designed to drive Meia into a corner, but at the same time not to put so much pressure on her that she would break. Why else the praise for the name? It was just an adjustment. It was just to keep her on the brink of despair. The queen was a sadist. Meia was a sacrificial offering. The masked woman had placed her on the altar to save herself. That was how it was.

"I apologize very much. I tried hard, but I'm not really good at this. I'll work harder on myself to meet your expectations in the future."

~Please don't!~

"Well, she believed it anyway. How cute. The others would probably have said something like: "Yes, my queen, if that's what you want." or something else annoying."

Meia listened quietly, but was inwardly shocked. That also, because the queen had imitated her colleague's voice almost perfectly. The difference was marginal at best.

In passing, Meia noticed that the carriage had stopped. The noise had already become quieter again. They were probably over the bridge. The pattering of the rain had also disappeared.

"Hmmm, you've been neglected for a long time, but as soon as Schoppe leaves again, it's time for you to take your place at my side. You will be my highest servant. You will dress me. You will do my make-up. You will accompany me everywhere. The other two will be demoted to assistant maids."

It took a moment for Meia to realize what she was hearing and in that time, all color drained from her face. You thought you were already in hell, but suddenly a portal opened under you and you fell even deeper. Her colleagues will no longer just dislike her, they will probably hate her.

"Everything understood?"

Meias bobbed her head up and down slightly. She was incapable of responding in any other way.

"Very good. - Will anyone important be at the ball?"

"The city administrator, Hannes Reinfeld, but otherwise only lower nobility."

"Hm, so it doesn't matter then..."

"It doesn't."

"All right, Schoppe. I didn't feel like it anyway. I will stay in the palace."

"Thank you very much for your consideration."

A few seconds of silence passed, then Meia heard the sound of boots in the mud. Shortly afterwards, there was a knock on the door, then it opened. The sound of rushing water entered the carriage. Violet stood in the door. Meia looked longingly past her to the outside. She saw mud, trees and grass. It was the same as before, only the rain had stopped.

"My queen, a carriage is coming towards us. But there is no cause for alarm. I just wanted to let you know. It's probably a trader. We'll drive a little further and then wait and see."

"Where are we at the moment?"

"We're now on the south bank of the Deleran Bridge and we'll come to the Aoka Forest next. Didn't Yuri inform you?"

"She must have forgotten it in her haste." the queen replied spitefully.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll inform you myself next time."

"It's not that bad. It's not your bad staff. Do what you think is right. I trust you."

"Thank you very much. There won't be any problems."

Violet gave a final nod and then closed the door. The noise stayed outside. Meia, unfortunately, stayed inside.

Moments later, the carriage started moving again. The noise became even quieter. A little later, it was barely audible.

.../ End Part

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