Hello, Dexter Jackson

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New York City. The colossal skyscrapers, the hustle and bustle of the restless city, the smell of hotdogs and the constant sound of traffic and sirens is probably one of the most overwhelming things in the world. Although, one building was more overwhelming and stood out even more than the rest. The Allister building. It towered over the rest of the city like a redwood tree and even made the Empire State look like a child.

At the very top floor rested a rich and luxurious penthouse, the home of Mayor Titus Allister. To state the obvious, he was a rich man, probably one of the wealthiest people in New York - which made people jealous. The people that got jealous were usually low-life thugs that have to commit crimes in order to even get close to a dollar. A group of envious thugs decided they were going to perform the biggest job of the year: break into the Mayor's office and loot the vault. However, unfortunately for them, not everything was going to go according to their plan...

The penthouse in which the office was located was, undoubtedly, the most expensive property in New York. It had rich statues, famous paintings, and even - for some reason - gold fruit in a basket. Of course, this wasn't unusual as it was the mayor's home, after all. And the office was no different. There were a couple of red velvet sofas placed around, a desk with money and files stacked on it, and most importantly - THE VAULT.

The duo of thugs gathered in the office with their eyes glued to the huge vault that was placed in the wall - filled to the brim with money and gold. They were adamant that they were going to open the vault and they would become rich. The duo looked practically identical, both of them sporting a black tracksuit and a balaclava, while also both of them being armed with crowbars and guns.

"When's the boss gettin' here?" one of the thugs demanded as he tried to pry open the vault with his crowbar, he looked frustrated as he realised that a crowbar was just not going to work.
"Soon! For now, get that safe open and stay put," the other said.
"No problem, man. Last thing we need is that Nameless freak showin' up, right?" he replied.
Before he even had a chance to speak, the thug was interrupted and a deafening crash absorbed all sound in the room.
They whipped their heads and saw the huge, luxurious skylight in the roof shatter as shards of glass scattered across the vast room. One of them almost felt second-hand dread from how expensive said skylight was, not to mention the cost of having to replace or repair it, but he quickly reminded himself of its monstrous owner and all feelings of pity were destroyed instantly - just like the skylight, he mused. However, through the shards of glass, somebody also crashed down through the skylight and as this person landed on the floor, their identity quickly became clear. There was no mistaking it, he was...


Nameless was wearing a beige leather jacket and wore a fedora of the same colour on his head. His mask was plain white fabric which covered his entire head and he also wore black cargo pants. On his waist was a cow-boy-like belt with two holsters. In them were: two desert eagles filled to the brim with bullets, eager to be fired. The two thugs stood in almost terror as Nameless faced them with a gun in each hand.
"Freak, huh?" he exclaimed, menacingly. For a moment, they stood, shocked.
As they regained their cool, one of them shouted, "GET 'IM!!!"
As the thugs charged at Nameless like bulls, he raised one of his guns into the air and fired a bullet at one of the thug's knees, forcing the thug to stagger and fall over as blood poured from his leg. However, the other continued to charge but Nameless easily kicked him, knocking him to the ground. There was a reason they were scared of him, however they didn't quite know why themselves. They were about to find out.
"You don't know who you're messing with, Freak!" the thug cried as Nameless picked him up by the collar, slammed him against the wall and held him there.
"Your boss? Sure I do," he said.
"You trying to get yourself killed?! Gotta be easier ways than this," the thug said, hoping that there was a slight chance of Nameless letting him go.
"Like yelling at the guy who's holding the gun?" Nameless said. He clenched his fists around the thug's collar and threw him across the room. The thug laid on the floor as he held his arm like a cast because he had, clearly, been injured.
Nameless hovered above the thug and aimed his gun right towards his face. "Now give me a reason as to why I shouldn't blow a hole in your fuckin' head?"
"FREAK!!" he screamed. This told Nameless everything he needed to know. Within a moment, he had shot the thug right in the head, killing him and then shooting the other thug from earlier.
"Stupid punks," he muttered under his breath. For a moment, Nameless was engulfed in the silence - left wondering if what he was doing was really the right thing, but the silence quickly ended as the phone in his pocket vibrated. He reached deep into his cluttered pocket, feeling a few sharp ends and bullets as he searched for the phone, but finally he took the phone out and looked at its screen. It's dispatch, he thought. A homicide at Central Park. Before departing, Nameless looked back at the office, at the two bodies and the mess that he'd caused. Ultimately, he sighed, however he couldn't stick around any longer as he heard alarms sound in the penthouse. That's my cue, he thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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