💍❤️ the proposal: part 3 ❤️💍

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As David left, Nick and Charlie stood in silence, the tension palpable between them.

Charlie broke the stillness, his voice gentle. "Nick, how are you feeling?"

Nick sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his conflicting emotions.

"I don't know, Char," he admitted, his tone heavy with uncertainty. "Part of me feels guilty for not going to see him, but... I just can't bring myself to do it."

Charlie nodded understandingly, his gaze soft with empathy. He knew the pain of strained family relationships all too well.

"It's okay, Nick," he reassured, reaching out to squeeze Nick's hand. "You have to do what's best for you."

Nick managed a weak smile, grateful for Charlie's unwavering support.

"Thanks, Charlie," he murmured. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

They sat together in silence for a while longer, the weight of Nick's father's illness casting a shadow over their evening. Despite the turmoil raging within him, Nick found solace in Charlie's presence, knowing that he didn't have to face his inner demons alone.

As the night wore on, Nick couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at him. Guilt for not being there for his father, for not being the son he had always hoped to be. But try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to overcome the barriers that had long stood between them.

Eventually, Charlie broke the silence, his voice filled with concern. "Nick, do you want to talk about it?"

Nick shook his head, his emotions too raw to put into words.

"Not right now, Charlie," he admitted, his voice strained with emotion. "I just need some time to process everything."

Charlie nodded understandingly, his heart aching for the man he loved.

"Of course, Nick," he said softly, wrapping his arms around Nick in a comforting embrace. "I'll be here whenever you're ready."

With Charlie's reassuring presence by his side, Nick knew that he didn't have to face his inner demons alone. And as they settled in for the night, he found a glimmer of hope flickering in the darkness – hope for reconciliation, for forgiveness, and for healing in the face of unresolved tensions.

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