1. The little Girl on the Scarlet squid

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As the sunset painted the sky in beautiful pinks, purples,oranges and reds, captian sinker, cook and line made they're way back to the port of the island of "cross haven" to get back on their beloved ship: The scarlet squid!

Captian sinker was exhausted, she took off her pirates head and put it under her arm, faint hues of sweat painted her forehead as they re-entered their beloved ship.

She walked over the gangplank onto the ship and came to a hold mid-deck. She just closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the salty sea air, when the cries of a tiny human filled her ears.

(At least she thought it was Tiny since a grownup child would never crie in such a high pitched tone)

As the captian opened her eyes again, and looked around, she saw a basket standing right in front of the door her cabin.

As captian sinker approached, her brow furrowed, a gasp escaped her lips as she saw the baskets contents.

Right in front of her in this basket, layed, wrapped in what seemed to be a linen cloth, a little baby girl, her eyes filled with tears as she looked up to the captian with her brown little eyes.

"Line! Cook!" The captian called out, her voice not as loud as usual so she wouldn't startle the little girl much more then she already was.

"what is it captian?" Line asked as he cought site of the baskets content and gasped.

"Someone must left her her-" captian sinker was caught of guard as she pulled out the little card, that was stuck at the site of the basket.

*dear captian of this very ship! Please take care of her...*

Was the text that was written on it.

Someone intended to leave their daughter on a pirate ship, and now captian sinker should love the little bundle and take care of it?

As captian sinkers mind raced, what might have happened to the little girls parents, she looked back at the little baby girl.

The little girls crying had subsided and was replaced by cute giggles as she saw Lines face.

Captian sinker smirked, maybe playing mother for someone's child, wasn't as bad as she thought.

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