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The 27th of July 1994.

The late July sun-scorched relentlessly over the Surrey area, showing no mercy towards the Muggles. The wind, which might have brought some much-needed relief, seemed to be mocking their desperate pleas. Those who hadn't yet lost their sanity hid away in the comfort of their homes, hoping to escape the unforgiving rays of the sun. But there was one person who didn't seem to mind the heat. Sitting on a nearly destroyed bench in the nearby park on Privet Drive was a young boy, lost in thought. He wore round glasses that hid his green eyes, which he occasionally adjusted with a careless flick of his hand. He looked into the distance, searching for something he couldn't grasp. He wore an oversized white T-shirt with "Zero 7" written on it, paired with brown shorts and tattered sneakers, making him look like a laid-back hippie. This boy was about to turn fourteen in a few days but wasn't sure if he should be happy about it. The past year had been full of adventures but also worries. He had met his godfather, Sirius Black, who most of the wizarding world believed to be a dangerous serial killer.

Harry had recently met his new guardian, a man he didn't know much about, and the encounter had left him feeling uneasy. However, he was grateful that he finally had someone to look after him. Harry had been left to fend for himself for far too long, with no one to care for him. The Dursleys, the family he had lived with before, had shown him no love or affection, treating him like a servant instead. Even with Dumbledore at Hogwarts, Harry still felt a sense of loneliness. He was an orphaned boy, about to turn fourteen, with no family left. In his solitude, Harry had plenty of time to think about his life and the circumstances that had led him to where he was now. He had been forced to grow up quickly and had never had the chance to experience a proper childhood. The constant mistreatment from the Dursley family had done nothing to boost his self-esteem. Despite feeling uncomfortable around his new guardian, the mere presence of a grown man playing his protector's role comforted him. But deep down, Harry knew that he was still alone in this world. His shallow relationships with others cannot help him overcome his problems. The only family he had ever known had been taken from him, and he was left to navigate the complexities of life as an orphaned child.

As Harry delved deeper into his meditative state, he became completely detached from his surroundings. The scene before him was nothing short of mesmerizing; a solitary young boy, isolated and surrounded by emptiness. His heart was heavy with a palpable sadness, both metaphorically and in reality. The silence that enveloped him was broken only by the gentle rustling of the leaves, stirred by a soft breeze that occasionally swept through the nearby tree. Despite the movement, Harry remained utterly oblivious to his surroundings, consumed by the all-encompassing darkness that had taken hold of his heart. It was a bitter irony to be trapped in the scorching inferno of a July day yet feel so cold inside; a stark contrast mirrored his inner turmoil.

The world suddenly stopped, and a deafening silence filled the air. Harry felt an uncomfortable sensation inside him, almost as if he were filled with air like a balloon. He took a deep breath, but the feeling persisted. Opening his eyes, he realized he was no longer in the park. Instead, he was surrounded by a bright, blinding white light that perplexed him.

Desperately trying to find answers, Harry shouted, "Hello!" but there was no response. The silence was overwhelming, and he began to feel increasingly anxious until a blue window suddenly appeared in front of him. It read, "Hello. You may call me System. Starting today, you are a player."

Harry was confused and thought it was some kind of joke. He pulled out his wand and said, "Finite Incantatem," hoping to break the spell, but nothing happened. The blue window vibrated, and another one appeared that read, "Magic spells do not work on the system because the system is the creator of magic in the first place."

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