"I remember, Haley dropped her things off this morning. Mia said she's there to help whenever we need it." He stood and changed his own clothes while he spoke. 

"Sounds like we have it all figured out." She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek then climbed in bed. 

May 29, 2009 - California

Lala strapped her boots tightly and pulled out her Glock. She made sure the clip was full before inserting it into the gun and tucking it into her pants. Her feet made a dull sound as she made her way down into the garage, where Gisele was impatiently waiting for her.

"We have to move, they'll be at the destination soon. You drive." Gisele instructed her and they got into the sleek black Porsche, Lala heading towards the meet up spot.

"Do you think they'll impress him?" Lala asked while gripping the wheel slightly. "Will he keep the drivers?"

Gisele shrugged as she typed on the device. "There's one or two that impressed Braga. The others not so much."

"Braga was impressed?" She questioned curiously. Lala hadn't met Braga directly yet but he didn't seem like an easy man to impress. For her sister's sake, she hoped that she was one of them.

The woman next to her nodded absentmindedly, "I believe that's what was said."

As they approached the group standing in a line by their cars, Lala bit her lip. "Which ones? Who impressed him?"

"Why are you asking so many questions, Veronica?" Gisele questioned with a pointed look, using the alias that Lala grew fond of. She knew that she was starting to ask too many questions but she was panicking inside.

Lala parked and cleared her throat, "Sel, can you blame me? He's stacking up more bodies than he is money right now. It's risking all of our lives."

She turned to the brunette and stroked her cheek gently, in a caring fashion. "We will be fine, I would never let anything happen to you, V."

Gisele kissed Lala's other cheek gently. It felt like the reassurance she really needed right now. Her and Gisele had gotten close over the past few weeks, she suspected that Gisele may be the agent that Mr. Nobody had on the inside. She didn't want to risk asking the question. The two pulled away and stepped out of the Porsche, Fenix shooting them a glare.

"The mamis are late. Again." Fenix glared at them and looked at the driver's again as Lala made her way to the other end of the line. "This crew, this combination, it isn't working."

"Braga said he like-" Fenix cut off Lala with a snap.

"They're out." Fenix sneered and pulled his gun out of the holster. Lala swallowed hard as he aimed at the first driver and shot him execution style.

Chaos ensued and everyone scattered. Lala made her way to the closest car she could, jumping in the passenger seat as the driver took off.

"What the hell was that?!" They exclaimed while breathing heavily.

"That's what happens when Braga decides he's done with you." Lala stated sharply as they drove wildly, Fenix's headlights appearing in the rear view mirror not too long after. "You knew what you were getting yourself into!"

A groan left their mouth as they shifted gears. "I'm not arguing with you about this, Lo."

Lala laughed drily and pulled her burner phone out. "We have to get you to safety, this was such a stupid idea for you to come here. You know that right?!"

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