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dasha didn't really pay much attention throughout the class, but when she heard her teacher talking about an upcoming field trip, she perked up.

'' will be for five days. you will work on the project and make sure it is completed by the end of the week.'' the teacher spoke. ''this project will be group work and-''

dasha put her hand up immediately. ''sir?''

he looked at her. ''yes, dasha?''

''can we work with whoever we want?''

''i need to check whether the assignment is done in pairs or groups.'' he explained. ''so i want you all to write down who you would like to work with and i will be as fair as possible.''

dasha instantly looked across to where matt and nea were sitting, both of them already looking at her. they nodded and she gave them a small smile before turning back to her paper and writing their names.

dasha. matt. nea.

she noticed chris was writing and she couldn't help but sneak a look at the names.

chris. nick. alahna.

''hoping i'd write your name down?'' he mumbled, not looking up from his paper.

''definitely not.''

''good.'' he replied, turning to look at her. ''because i'd never write your name.''

''are you trying to insult me by saying that?'' she scoffed. ''it's a relief you wouldn't write me.''

''we both know that's not true.''


''can you shut up? i'm trying to listen.''

she frowned as she sat back, folding her arms across her chest. chris didn't even look at her, just keeping his eyes on the teacher, but she knew he wasn't paying attention. he was clearly thinking about the trip, just like she was.

a whole week away with matt and nea. she didn't even mind that it was a school field trip - she knew she would still have a good time with her best friends. the two of them knew she hated the silence, and so a whole week with them meant-

''can you stop?!''

dasha jumped at the sudden loud tone. she looked at chris, who was looking at her in irritation.

''what?'' she asked.

''stop bouncing your leg!''

''i didn't even realise-''

''well, you do now, so stop! 

''why are you being so rude?!''

''because you're fucking annoying!''

she looked at him angrily, not really bothering to think about it before kicking him under the table. he swore under his breath as he moved his leg away from her, returning her angry look.

''oops, sorry.'' she lied. ''my leg must've slipped.''

''you're so fucking weird.'' he muttered before kicking her back. 

she cupped her own leg, rubbing it furiously. ''i hate you so much.''

''i hate you too.'' 

the two didn't say anything else for the rest of the class.

field trip, c. sturniolo (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now