Tatyana's introduction

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Tatyana came to Memphis when she was 19. She dropped out of college and tried to pursue her dream of being a singer. Unfortunately, she wasn't classically trained and managed to blend in with every other wanna be star that showed up daily.

Eventually, she stopped getting even the occasional bar gig and couldn't even find a steady waitressing job. She ran out of the savings she used to come out and wound up living in her car for a few weeks.

Her friend Monica called her one night while she was huddled up in her back seat, shivering in the middle of November.

"Have you found a place to go?" She asked

"No, I'm barely able to eat." Tatyana said. "My parents won't even let me come home. They're still upset that I dropped out of college."

"Well, I might have a place you can go." I stayed there a couple of years before I moved back to Minnesota. Not gonna lie. It's an odd place, but it might be your only choice."

"I'll take it!" Tatyana said without hesitation.

Monica sent her the number of the landlord, Veronica. They set up to meet the next morning at 9 am. She just had to survive one more night.

Tatyana was at the meeting at 8:45
She was eager to find a place to stay. As she pulled up, her heart sank a bit. She looked at the immaculate condos and thought there was no way that she would be able to afford it.

She knocked on the door and was greeted by a stunning Auburn haired woman, about 40 years old, and in amazing shape. She reached out and shook Tatyana's hand.

"You must be Tatyana,it's a pleasure to meet you. Please come in."

Tatyana followed her in, and they sat down. "You're much more beautiful than Monica lead on."

"OH, thank you!" She said, blushing a bit. "I'm sorry, Monica didn't tell me much. She just said you might have a place for me to stay. But, honestly, I don't think I can afford this."

"Well, that depends. You see, you don't pay a monetary rent here."

"I'm sorry, what?" Tatyana asked as she giggled skeptically.

"That's right." Veronica replied as she looked Tatyana up and down. Tatyana was a bit petite at 5' 5" and 110 lbs. She had brunette hair and was a track runner all her life. She was without a doubt beautiful.

"You see, I inherited a fortune from my father. He left me everything when he passed away 10 years ago. Cancer, unfortunately. After that, I realized I no longer had to work and could do whatever I wanted in my time. That's when I bought this small condo building and made a dream of mine come true."

"What dream?" Tatyana asked, still a little lost.

"I have what's called a tickling fetish." She told Tatyana, obviously past the point it embarrassed her. "I love tickling people. I particularly love tying them up and tickling them mercilessly. " She grinned at this.

Tatyana swallowed hard, remembering just how ticklish her whole body is. "I see. How does that work into all this?"

"Well, it's very simple. Instead of paying me rent, once a month, you will come to me so that I can tickle to in my special room for 24-48 hours. After that, you owe me nothing. The condo is fully furnished, and all the amenities are paid for. You only have to worry about your own groceries and other personal expenses."

Tatyana looked like she saw a ghost. "You want to tickle me?" She asked

"I do." Veronca said with a smile, looking her up and down again. "That is, if you really need a place to stay."

Tatyana was having a hard time processing this.

Why don't you follow me dear, I'll show you something.

Veronica led Tatyana into a room. When she turned on the light, she saw that it was her Tickle Room. It was filled with bondage equipment, feathers, and other toys.

What stood out the most was probably the young man tied to a post in the middle of the room. He was wearing only boxer briefs with his arms stretched over his head, elbows, knees, and ankles strapped to the post with a blindfold and ball gag in his mouth. His head hung low, and he took deep breaths.

"This is william," Veronica said as she approached him. " He is my longest tenant. He thought he would be an actor one day, but that didn't pan out. He ended up broke and homeless with nowhere to go. So he ended up here."

Veronica stood behind him and began tracing her long, sharp claws up and down his sides. He sprung to life and began shaking his head back and forth, laughing hysterically through his gag.


"He is also my most ticklish tenant. I love making him squirm and squeal!"

Tatyana watched but couldn't believe her eyes. Veronica continued tickling him with a sadistic look on her face, her claws leaving red trail marks on his skin as he laughed and begged through the gag.

"Every lease signing requires a 1 week deposit." She said, giggling. "William is on his 5th lease and is only on hour 3 of his one week signing."

Ohhhhmmmpfmygggaaqwwd!" William shouted as Verinica started tickling his belly. She smiled and said,"One of his best spots!" She slowly circled his navel with a single claw.

Willima began shaking his head side to side nnnnooooommmmfppfhhnoooopfleez!

"He's such a good begger!" She stopped just before slipping a claw I to his navel. She stopped all together and sat Tatyana down again.

"So, you will sign a lease, have your week here with me, and then every month a session with me to pay." She sounded like a business woman again. " I expect you to be here when agreed upon. If you miss a session, it's excusable. However, after a second time, I'll need another week to rectify it." I don't like pain besides spanking, and I do not leave marks. You get a safe word if there is a medical emergency. If you use it just because you need a break, I will punish you. Isn't that right, william?" She looked over her shoulder. He nodded to the best of his abilities.

"He tried that his first week. I made him regret it." Veronica pulled out a lease for Unit 3. If you sign today, your week will start next monday morning at 6am. That's when I'll be done with William's week. That should give you plenty of time to move in and get settled. After that week, we will schedule your monthly appointments. That way, you can plan around them."

Tatyana looked at the lease. There was a picture of the condo on top. It was very nice, nicer than anything she'd lived in after college. She took the pen and signed her name. "I guess I don't have a choice right now. What happens if I decide to break the lease?"

Veronica smiled and said, "That will be a 4 day session, and I give you 2 weeks to get packed up without any other interruption."

"That's fair, I guess." She said a bit low. "I'm just a little worried. I'm terribly ticklish."

"Let's hope so darling!" Veronica said as she took the lease and handed Tatyana the keys. "Go and get settled. I have more fun to have with William."

Veronica walked up and slipped her claw into William's navel. He came alive again and thrashed as much as he could in his bondage.

Pppphhllleeezzz! Sssssstttttaaaapphhhphh!
Veronica took about a pair of safety shears and started removing his boxers.

She smiled a Tatyana and said, "See you next week, dear!"

She left the room and closed the door as she heard William scream and laugh like a maniac until the door was shut.

"What did I just do?"

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