at night, after making sure the brunette was asleep, he would go back down to his studio and check on his files.

jungkook hadn't talked to anyone about this as he himself thinks it was ridiculous.

he thought it was time to stop at one point as he feels like he's going crazy.

and to be honest, aside from the files he had found at the brunette's office, nothing was out of the ordinary, taehyung was still the same.

"i'm so tired...." the dark haired male sighs as he ran a hand through his hair and pushing his reading glasses up his head as he entered their house.

"welcome back" taehyung lunged at the younger who lightly gasped, dropping his bag and quick to catch the older who only giggles.

"careful, hyung" jungkook mumbled as the older pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"i cooked your favorite noodles and some steak to pair with it too" the brunette announced as he helped jungkook take off his coat. "come, i prepared everything already, let's eat dinner" he says as he pulled the younger along who only smiles.

"thank you, hyung" jungkook says as he now sat with taehyung filling up his plate with the dishes he made.

"of course, you've been working so hard and i haven't really been able to take care of you since i've been very busy with finishing everything for the exhibition" taehyung says, a shy smile on his lips.

the dark haired male only feels bad more at the older's words with all that he has been doing behind the other's back.

"don't say that, hyung. i'm really proud of you and for the success of your exhibition. if anything, i think it's me who hasn't been... lacking for awhile-"

jungkook's mouth were sealed as taehyung captures his lips, giving him a gentle peck.

"i understand. you don't have to worry" the brunette says with a smile before settling down on his own seat. "i know how much you love your work" he then says.

the dark haired only hums at this and smiles. the brunette's words seemed to held something more or he was just paranoid.

jungkook wasn't sure but the feeling of uneasiness doesn't seem to leave him.

the two of them were surrounded by silence, only the sound of the record player that taehyung had put on and the clanking of their utensils fills his ears.

he would subtly look over to taehyung who didn't seemed to be bothered by the awkwardness he was feeling and was focused on eating. it seemed that he was the only one being a bit uncomfortable.

"did you clean up, hyung?" jungkook speaks, wanting to start a conversation. he did notice how everything was much more organized and a few changes to their interior.

"yeah, i did. i did the upstairs yesterday and was able to finish everything here downstairs. change our linens too" the brunette exclaimed.

jungkook lightly chuckles. "you're not going anywhere are you?" he teased as taehyung would always do a deep clean of the house whenever he would leave for a quick holiday or work related with or without the younger.

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