╰┈➤ x. who did this to you?

Start from the beginning

Autumn remained smiling, despite her obvious physical discomfort upon realizing the state of the female, Madam Pomfrey stated she had administered a soporific remedy to her, with the sole purpose of stabilizing her and assisting in the recuperation process, and Autumn confirmed that this was indeed why she was appearing sluggish.

The female laughed out aloud, exclaiming, "Poppy drugged me." This amused her companions, as they hid their amusement behind either a facial expression or a subtle cough. James, too, was fighting back his laughter, however, the severity of his concerns for the female was predominant, compared to his attempts in hiding his mirth.

Dumbledore approached the duo of individuals, consisting of Raven and Elliot, and he directed a request toward them, saying the following, "Ms. Summers, Mr. Winters, may I have a word with you?"

The two teenagers who were requested to have a conversation with the Headmaster, stood as their attention was drawn away from the female in bed to the headmaster himself. A concerned look was evident on Raven's face as she had a glance at James, who was unsettled. She then addressed his request regarding James', "Professor, can James also be included in this discussion?" James, upon seeing Raven glance and mention of him had raised his head and expressed a hint of confusion.

Upon being presented with the prospect, the professor responded positively, "Of course, Mr. Potter, please join us."

The Headmaster and the three students departed the Hospital wing, with the female in bed being attended to and surrounded by her supportive friends, and they proceeded to move away and take a few steps towards the location in which their discussion would be carried out.

With the door being closed behind them, the four individuals, who were about to commence their discussion, were afforded the privacy to do so. The Headmaster leisurely moved to a window, which was located across from the group, and stood in front of it, staring out. He then proceeded to address the situation, by voicing the lack of information he had regarding the cause of the harm that had befallen Autumn. "Unfortunately, we have no idea who harmed Ms. Rivers, since there was no one present during Professor Flitwick's discovery of the female in an unconscious state."

Elliot held back his impulse to suggest potential culprits, as he possessed the awareness to refrain from pointing fingers without any proof to substantiate his allegations. His counterparts followed his example and remained silent and composed.

The Headmaster provided additional information by stating, "A concerning matter is that Ms Rivers has no recollection of who had caused her harm," which provided worry to the group. Then Professor continued, by adding, "But we can take comfort in the fact that she did not suffer from a spell that altered her memories."

Elliot was agitated by the state that Autumn's case had been left in, and he walked towards the Headmaster with determination, indicating his intention to suggest an alternative solution. The Slytherin stated, with a tinge of frustration in his tone, "Professor, there has to be something we can do about this situation. Whoever did this to her cannot be permitted to freely roam around as they please, having committed such a heinous act."

The Headmaster acknowledged Elliot and his concerns, and he outlined a plan that would be implemented regarding the state of alert for the staff and other school officials.

Raven's patience was beginning to break down, due to the events of the past, and she let her irritation show, as she spoke bluntly, "Pardon me for being direct, Professor, however, what about what happened to Mary Macdonald? Or even all the other muggleborns that have suffered such assaults? Our school is no longer a safe place for us, at this rate."

James, who was witnessing the situation unfold, noticed the irritation in Raven's demeanour. He was similarly angered, and he began to voice his own thoughts in response. The Gryffindor spoke in a manner that showed his disdain for the way in which their school was not able to offer a sense of security at times like this. He voiced his own concerns, stating, "I get that the world is not exactly a safe place, with You-know-who's uprising and all. Still, Professor, I have the highest concerns for my friends."

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