A room you can't leave without kissi

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Locked in a Room Without a Kiss: Arch-rival Edition

You awaken groggily, head pounding, and struggle to focus as you open your eyes, trying to piece together your surroundings.

Recollection floods back; you were in the midst of a heated exchange with Miss Circle before blacking out. How did you suddenly find yourself here?

Surveying the room, it's spacious yet sterile, with blank white walls amplifying the unsettling emptiness.

Wait... is that a dark shape on the floor? You squint, then widen your eyes in disbelief.

The sharp hair, the rigid horns, and that unmistakable compass...

Miss Circle, what in the world are you doing here?!

Your instincts kick in, fueling a surge of pseudo-fierce determination as you advance, intent on lashing out. Whatever this situation is, dealing with her first seems prudent. With minimal opportunity for her to retaliate, you launch your attack, only for Miss Circle to snap awake just in time, deftly evading your strike.

She springs to her feet, compass at the ready, while you curse your mistimed aggression.


"Alright, you imbecile. Quit feigning ignorance,"

You let out a frustrated sigh, crossing your arms and gazing up at her towering figure. Her height had always been a sore point, especially during arguments, though those tended to be mostly one-sided affairs.

But now wasn't the time for that. You leveled a stern gaze at her, demanding answers. "Did you set this trap for me? I suggest you drop the act and come clean!" Her response was a soft chuckle, leaning down to meet your eye level, but offering no words in return. The subtle implication of your inferior intellect stung. "What's the deal?! Just because you're tall doesn't mean you're all that! You..."


A mechanical voice cut through your tirade, bringing both of you to a halt as you listened intently.

"To the fortunate occupants of this room, exit is only granted through a kiss. Please endeavor to share a thirty-second kiss for good fortune."

"Oh my #&¥=@/#"

You realized the implication and recoiled at the thought, vehemently protesting against such an absurd notion. Despite your outburst, the electronic voice remained indifferent.

Meanwhile, her attention had shifted back to you, tapping the ground with a compass, effectively halting your futile protests.

"Talking won't solve anything."

She began to search the room, and you begrudgingly followed suit. A door on the far left caught her attention, prompting her to forcefully jab the compass at the wooden surface.

No response.

Repeated attempts yielded the same result.

It seemed hopeless.

After an hour of fruitless searching, the only option left seemed to be complying with the strange directive.

"It seems we have no choice but to do as it says."

Miss Circle's unexpectedly cheery demeanor contrasted with your defiance as she raised an eyebrow, silently urging you to reconsider.


Your refusal was adamant, though a hint of uncertainty lingered. Despite your reservations, it appeared to be the only viable course of action.

She said nothing, her raised eyebrow serving as a silent prompt, knowing it was the most effective means of persuasion.

"You... Fine, thirty seconds, I'll count!"

You gulp nervously, lips pressed tight as you brace for her approach, while she regards you with a curious mix of amusement and anticipation, as if this moment were both unexpected yet inevitable.

"Is this your first time?"

"What are you talking about?! No way!"

Your vehement denial only seems to fuel her excitement, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity.

A shiver runs down your spine as her claws encircle your waist, leaving you feeling trapped and vulnerable, like prey in the predator's grasp.


Her lips meet yours, sending a shockwave of coldness through your body.

You tremble, unsure if it's from fear or the chill, instinctively trying to pull away.

"Mmm... mmm..."

Your protests are muffled by her relentless kiss, leaving you feeling weak and powerless, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Her tongue forcefully invades your mouth, teeth grazing your lip, drawing blood as she greedily tastes it. It's an aggressive and unwelcome intrusion.

You struggle to breathe, feeling suffocated by her relentless assault, until finally, she releases you.

"Ugh... you..."

A thin trail of silver hangs from her tongue, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she licks her lips, savoring the taste of your blood.

Meanwhile, you're left gasping for air, leaning heavily against her for support, feeling both violated and ashamed.

"Congratulations, you two. The door is now open. You may leave at your leisure."

It takes a moment for the words to register, and your first instinct is to lash out at Miss Circle with a furious punch.

But she catches your fist effortlessly, a smug smile playing on her lips, while you seethe with a mixture of humiliation and rage.

"She said thirty seconds of kissing was all it took! How could you..."

"Would you like to go again?"


"Wait... uh..."

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